
Francis Ends Celibacy

Pope Francis has placed a request for Brazilian priests to be allowed to marry on the agenda of a forthcoming Synod on the Amazon region, Vatican sources told Il Messaggero. From the beginning it was clear that the Amazon Synod is only a pretext.

With the usual single-case tactic Francis took the decision to put a "partial lifting" of priestly celibacy up for discussion and a possible vote by Brazilian bishops. It followed a request by Modernist Cardinal Claudio Hummes who asked Francis to consider ordaining married men.

This means that Francis will again prefer an unthought change of external structures to a true reform of the Church.

Picture: © korea.net, CC BY-SA, #newsCzbepavasg
This may be the reason why the UN governments and their cooperators at this time demoralizes especially the righteous and faithful people and even their children with their atheist agenda, because the loss of virginity, or to love God wholeheartedly, disqualifies the priests and the faithful Christians for the unity with God, to be born again in Christ, who is the only mediator and the only door to …More
This may be the reason why the UN governments and their cooperators at this time demoralizes especially the righteous and faithful people and even their children with their atheist agenda, because the loss of virginity, or to love God wholeheartedly, disqualifies the priests and the faithful Christians for the unity with God, to be born again in Christ, who is the only mediator and the only door to the Heavenly Father. 🙏 🙏 🙏
I wish that he and the other bishops and priests rather had married and had children, or just one child, to learn from them and from their parenthood what does it mean to love...
But to be a priest, one must be like a child to become one with Jesus Christ. This means being virgin, like the Blessed virgin Mary, to receive Him and become one with Him at the altar, or wherever.
Francis Ends Celibacy??? Will Pope Francis' marry also?
Sólo Díos basta
Protestant solutions to Catholic problems: "Pope Francis asks Brazilian bishops to discuss overturning priestly celibacy":
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio is destruction, he is one with our adversary the devil.
As we wait for our Great Lord Jesus to crush him, let's honor our Savior with strong acts of faith.
The Holy Word Is our strength, our guide, our all.
Jesus we Love thee.
Next priest may be homosexual marriage for priests ???
One more comment from aderito
Catholic ,means universal .Whats for one priest no matter what country should be the same for every priest , also should the doctrine ,be the same
Yet more evidence that the present day Hierarchy shows absolutely no continuity whatsoever with the Old Rite. It's all in the Old Testament
The male Children of the Tribe of Levi made up the Priests throughout the Old Covenant Priesthood.
At that time there were many thousands of Priests which led to the need for a Rota so that all Priests could be given the chance to serve; consequentially due to …More
Yet more evidence that the present day Hierarchy shows absolutely no continuity whatsoever with the Old Rite. It's all in the Old Testament

The male Children of the Tribe of Levi made up the Priests throughout the Old Covenant Priesthood.

At that time there were many thousands of Priests which led to the need for a Rota so that all Priests could be given the chance to serve; consequentially due to the large number of clergy the time spent in actual Ministry before the Lord in the Temple was often just a few months.

DUE to this, it was allowed for Clergy to be married at that time, However, when they DID come to the time allotted for their Priestly Ministry, Temple Law stated that the Levites had to live in the Temple precincts, separated from their wives in total celibacy. Since the New Covenant Priesthood stands before Our Lord EVERY DAY ministering in His Temples, a need for permanent celibacy will be required.

Pope Siricius (384-99 AD) stated that is was “quite obviously so that they would not be able to have carnal knowledge of any woman, even their wives, and , thus having a conscience of integrity, they could offer to God offerings worthy of acceptance.” - Directa to Himerus, chapt. 7. cf also Migne, P.L., LVI, 558 and 728 Paraphrased from this link

So since Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever, "No!" He will NEVER accept married Priests serving him on a daily basis unless they obey the laws of celibacy throughout their Daily Lives.

When is all this ignorance of Scripture and Hebraic/Catholic Tradition going to end? There is enough abomination taking place in the Sanctuaries, the wrath of the Lord is likely to land on our heads. If Francis spent more time trusting in the handed down Traditions of the Church, his soul would be in less peril - and so would those of the Priests hoping to serve him faithfully throughout the era of his none-Tridentine Priesthood.
Just another step to the protestant minister becoming the priest. Welcome to the world of Francis
Tesa/ AlexBKaiser There can not be two or more popes simultaneously. Pope Benedict XVI is still in the Petrine Ministry - munus - suffering after being totally rejected. He is certainly the true Pope out of God's and man's will. The Church should start praying for the Pope BXVI and with his intentions... and for Cardinals to come to themselves and recognize the right Pope after rejecting him. Sursum …More
Tesa/ AlexBKaiser There can not be two or more popes simultaneously. Pope Benedict XVI is still in the Petrine Ministry - munus - suffering after being totally rejected. He is certainly the true Pope out of God's and man's will. The Church should start praying for the Pope BXVI and with his intentions... and for Cardinals to come to themselves and recognize the right Pope after rejecting him. Sursum Corda!
Beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing. This pope isn't even trying to hide it anymore. Female Deacons are next.
to marry women or men , too ?
De Profundis
I’m beginning to miss Alexander VI
And for the divorced and "remarried" priest who - after a period of discernment - ...conscience...tenderness...
"Only in Brazil, though, so we're good. There's no interest in this outside Brazil...."
I hope you're being sarcastic here. Every modernist protestantized abomination begins with an "under special circumstances" or "only in this particular region" indult. That's how the scoudrels infesting Christ's Church operate. That's how they perpetrated the communion in the hand abomination.
I just wonder how …More
"Only in Brazil, though, so we're good. There's no interest in this outside Brazil...."

I hope you're being sarcastic here. Every modernist protestantized abomination begins with an "under special circumstances" or "only in this particular region" indult. That's how the scoudrels infesting Christ's Church operate. That's how they perpetrated the communion in the hand abomination.

I just wonder how long the King is going to let this defilement go on.
Sólo Díos basta
"Requests" = plans to write his post-synodal married-priest-authorising exhortation, pre-synodally. Or, Abp Fernandez has written it already.
This isn't about creating an orthodox cadre of Priests, but encouraging the 000's in Brazil who went AWOL to get married to minister again