
Francis Ends Celibacy

Pope Francis has placed a request for Brazilian priests to be allowed to marry on the agenda of a forthcoming Synod on the Amazon region, Vatican sources told Il Messaggero. From the beginning it was …More
Pope Francis has placed a request for Brazilian priests to be allowed to marry on the agenda of a forthcoming Synod on the Amazon region, Vatican sources told Il Messaggero. From the beginning it was clear that the Amazon Synod is only a pretext.
With the usual single-case tactic Francis took the decision to put a "partial lifting" of priestly celibacy up for discussion and a possible vote by Brazilian bishops. It followed a request by Modernist Cardinal Claudio Hummes who asked Francis to consider ordaining married men.
This means that Francis will again prefer an unthought change of external structures to a true reform of the Church.
Picture: © korea.net, CC BY-SA, #newsCzbepavasg
Oh dear... I’m changing the Morning Offering to exclude Popes intentions and to ‘the intentions of the Holy Spirit
Only in Brazil, though, so we're good. There's no interest in this outside Brazil....
Concerned priests and bishops were talking about the Protestantization 50 years and more ago. Their concerns were mocked and dismissed.