Tyranny of the Kiev-jewish junta against the Ukrainian population. Forced conscription. Detention of draft dodgers. SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) brutality. внимание: нецензурная лексика …More
Tyranny of the Kiev-jewish junta against the Ukrainian population. Forced conscription. Detention of draft dodgers. SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) brutality. внимание: нецензурная лексика. Я прошу вас выключите звук.
Let's say something like a sightly open proxy war for NATO.
James Manning
Terribly sad. Ukraine is getting played like a fiddle by the West. I rue the day when both Russia and NATO recognize they're clearly in an open war …More
Terribly sad. Ukraine is getting played like a fiddle by the West. I rue the day when both Russia and NATO recognize they're clearly in an open war against each other.
Adrien shares from Adrien
Plan for an uncontrolled escalation of the conflict with Russia: Leaked audio of German officers discussing how to destroy the Kerch Bridge (Crimea).
Durchgesickertes Audio von deutschen Offizieren, die darüber diskutieren, wie die Kertsch-Brücke (Krim) zerstört werden soll.
Durchgesickertes Audio von deutschen Offizieren, die darüber diskutieren, wie die Kertsch-Brücke (Krim) zerstört werden soll.
Adrien shares this
Plan for an uncontrolled escalation of the conflict with Russia: Leaked audio of German officers discussing how to destroy the Kerch Bridge (Crimea).
Sonia Chrystie hat den Link zum ganzen Telephonat gepostet, wer sich dafür interessiert Die Aufzeichnung des Gespräches zwischen deutschen Generälen …More
Sonia Chrystie hat den Link zum ganzen Telephonat gepostet, wer sich dafür interessiert Die Aufzeichnung des Gespräches zwischen deutschen Generälen wurde veröffentlicht – Anti-Spiegel
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Video made to deter Russians from moving to the United States
How they proceed in a Protestant denomination. ''We will withdraw fellowship'', therefore being dechurched or disfellowshipped, that would be like excommunicated?
This kind of thing was done in the Catholic Church in the past - that is before John XXIII called for the "medicine of mercy" Just look at the Rule of …More
This kind of thing was done in the Catholic Church in the past - that is before John XXIII called for the "medicine of mercy" Just look at the Rule of St. Benedict where there are degrees of excommunication to shame the offender to repentance. Of course, there was a limit as well that a repeat offender could reach and not be allowed re-admittance to the community. No "todos,todos, todos"
Did they use the manual: "Polite Excommunication Notes for Dummies"?
Painting Restoration done right
Bad job! Should have removed the marigold gloves from Our Lady's hands. He's meticulous though I'll give him that. 🥴
Live Mike
Wow !
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Greece has legalized same-sex marriage, the measure was pushed through by Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ New Democracy party with the support of four left-wing parties.

First Orthodox Christian country legalizes gay marriage

Greek lawmakers have voted to legalize same-sex weddings in the country, despite staunch opposition from the Orthodox Church of Greece and almost …
Anyone paying attention to happenings in the Greek Orthodox world know that their leadership is ALL IN with the "gay agenda" as much as Francis! No …More
Anyone paying attention to happenings in the Greek Orthodox world know that their leadership is ALL IN with the "gay agenda" as much as Francis! No surprises.
Ivan Tomas
Coincidentally, one that is, and not only, militarily very connected to the West?
One Christian Truth Calvinists CAN'T SAY —There are several useful points to extract from this presentation if you are dealing with Calvinist Protestants.
Adrien shares from Adrien
Reply to FilipekK K and his video: Biblical story of the Nephilim

Nephilim: Angels cannot make babies!

Genesis 6, verse 2 ''the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose''. The Sons of God are not angels! Epistle to the Hebrews 1:5 …More
Genesis 6, verse 2 ''the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose''.
The Sons of God are not angels!
Epistle to the Hebrews 1:5
For to which of the angels did God ever say:
“You are my son; this day I have begotten you”?
Or again:
“I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me”?
--------------------- Sons of God= Not angels= Men= Adam & Eve and their children= Us. ---
Event B = Daughters of men= Monsters created by men are breeding with men, the result is visible in the skulls classified as Homo Ergaster, Homo Erectus, etc.= Recent history. --- Implied Event A= Men impregnating female monkeys= Creation of monsters. --- Verse 4, not the exact same event described in verse 2! Event C = Genesis 6 verse 4 Now, giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went into the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown. --- Here is the …More

Nephilim: Angels cannot make babies!

Genesis 6, verse 2 ''the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose''. The Sons of God are not angels! Epistle to the Hebrews 1:5 …More
Genesis 6, verse 2 ''the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose''.
The Sons of God are not angels!
Epistle to the Hebrews 1:5
For to which of the angels did God ever say:
“You are my son; this day I have begotten you”?
Or again:
“I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me”?
--------------------- Sons of God= Not angels= Men= Adam & Eve and their children= Us. ---
Event B = Daughters of men= Monsters created by men are breeding with men, the result is visible in the skulls classified as Homo Ergaster, Homo Erectus, etc.= Recent history. --- Implied Event A= Men impregnating female monkeys= Creation of monsters. --- Verse 4, not the exact same event described in verse 2! Event C = Genesis 6 verse 4 Now, giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went into the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown. --- Here is the …More
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you for that! I understand the Fathers of the Church to say "the Sons of God, "to be the offspring of Seth, and the "daughters of men," to be the …More
Thank you for that! I understand the Fathers of the Church to say "the Sons of God, "to be the offspring of Seth, and the "daughters of men," to be the others that were not righteous. It is conjecture to find a deeper significance than the simple fact, "[4] "Giants": It is likely the generality of men before the flood were of a gigantic stature in comparison with what men now are. But these here spoken of are called giants, as being not only tall in stature, but violent and savage in their dispositions, and mere monsters of cruelty and lust." Mankind lived longer and hence were naturally bigger.
Adrien shares this
Reply to FilipekK K and his video: Biblical story of the Nephilim
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Normand Thomas, Founder of a New Religion on GloriaTV. Love is the new God. The physical writers of the Holy Scriptures (Bible) have nothing more than us!

I also wrote this comment, now removed by Normand Thomas, on the deleted page (Normand Thomas 53. God cannot curse). "For the author of Genesis, by …More
I also wrote this comment, now removed by Normand Thomas, on the deleted page (Normand Thomas 53. God cannot curse).
"For the author of Genesis, by this biblical passage ... The author had not yet learned to distinguish between evil... ''
Apparently, the fact that God is the Author of the Book of Genesis didn't come to your mind.
''We know that God cannot reprove, condemn, curse, this is absolutely not in his nature.''
Who is ''we''?
God can send a curse on one’s flesh (Numbers 12:10).
About the soul, God can condemn or curse someone following a sin or a life of sin. If one is still alive, there is always some hope for Salvation. One can escape from the Hell already present in his soul. The sentence or condemnation can be removed.
The difference with a normal situation of a sinner is that the removal of a pronounced condemnation is difficult to achieve. But when someone has been thrown in the physical Hell that is not in this Universe, only then his condemnation is eternal.
''God doesn’t …More
Normand Thomas removed a comment on the page linked in this post, I will put it here in picture.
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Adrien shares from De Profundis
Pregunta real: ¿Tomarse de la mano es parte de la cultura en Argentina para los ancianos?
Happy couple is waiting for a spontaneous blessing?
Exacto, en esa época caminaba sin dificultad. Van de la mano los maricones.More
Exacto, en esa época caminaba sin dificultad.
Van de la mano los maricones.
Mariae Conceptione
Esta foto no es reciente (probablemente de enero 2014).
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The pastor who said ''Have you actually read the Bible?'' died in November 2022, less than four months after this interview. He was somewhat speaking like someone we know in Rome (not ideology but …More
The pastor who said ''Have you actually read the Bible?'' died in November 2022, less than four months after this interview. He was somewhat speaking like someone we know in Rome (not ideology but inclusion).
Dr Bobus
He was a Protestant.
He speaks and uses the same verbiage as Pope Francis, bishop Tucho and the Vatican.
Adrien shares from Adrien
Should I Feel Guilty?
A Few Things About Colonization
What people seem to ignore is that all cultures are NOT equally pleasing to God! This anti-colonialism push is just a secular slant on the heresy of …More
What people seem to ignore is that all cultures are NOT equally pleasing to God! This anti-colonialism push is just a secular slant on the heresy of indifferentism - the belief that one religion is just as good as another!
A Few Things About Colonization
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Should I Feel Guilty?
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I don't understand why nobody screamed HERETIC or ERETICO during Francis' speech at Christmas Mass. Aren't Romans aware of what just happened?More
I don't understand why nobody screamed HERETIC or ERETICO during Francis' speech at Christmas Mass.
Aren't Romans aware of what just happened?
la verdad prevalece
Let's not forget how packed the gay pride parades are. The majority of those who are going to support the apostate Bergoglio are sodomites.
I agree with @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori that most people there are foreigners and tourists. I had this experience when visiting Rome a year and a half ago …More
I agree with @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori that most people there are foreigners and tourists. I had this experience when visiting Rome a year and a half ago. The thing about being a tourist is, you don't want to make a scene or criticize the country your are visiting. Also the Vatican is swarming with security and police and anyone making a disruption will be promptly escorted out and detained or arrested. They are probably thinking Pope Francis is not worth the trouble.
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Francis Bergoglio ''blessing'' a dog from his antipopemobile (parody)
New lockdowns and major restrictions for 2024? Obama is saying ''Happy new year and happy quarantine!'' on American television.

Macron to insert abortion in French constitution

The procedure is currently legal until 14 weeks and requires two doctors to sign off for later terms The right to have an abortion will soon be enshrined …
chris griffin
The right to Hell is already enshrined in the Bible.
Warning: RT's news writers are clearly pro-abortion.
Adrien shares from Adrien
Unschuldsvermutung bis zum Beweis der Schuld? Ein unschuldiger Mann verbrachte 73 Tage im Gefängnis!
Presumption of innocence until proven guilty? An innocent man spent 73 days in prison!
John A Cassani
I heard of a case recently where a man is appealing the fact that he has been held for more than a year awaiting psychiatric evaluation, despite the …More
I heard of a case recently where a man is appealing the fact that he has been held for more than a year awaiting psychiatric evaluation, despite the fact that the crime he is charged with has a maximum sentence of less time than he has been held. They won’t even let him plead guilty, because the psych eval will determine whether he is even competent to do that. The justice system has become a cruel joke.