John A Cassani
John A Cassani
Another round of Catholic school closures. It’s been reported on many times before, but this is from secular alternative media, which means some different sorts of people are taking notice. Who would …More
Another round of Catholic school closures. It’s been reported on many times before, but this is from secular alternative media, which means some different sorts of people are taking notice. Who would ever have thought that allowing parochial schools to become a place for the upper middle class to send their kids to keep them away from the “riff-raff” wasn’t a winning strategy? The article does make the point that Catholic schools are doing fairly well in parts of the country where secular values are more traditional. Isn’t it sad that our bishops, fir the most part, couldn’t care less about bringing the Church’s influence to bear on society at large?

75 More Catholic Schools Nationwide Say They Are Shutting Down

The shutdown of Catholic schools is not new. Hundreds of schools have closed down nationwide over the years. Catholic groups have long blamed …
My experience with Catholic schools tells me that this is a good thing
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This is a pretty good article on the matter of “brain death.” Fr. Tad makes the very important point that someone who is actually “brain dead,” by the legal definition, would only be able to have …More
This is a pretty good article on the matter of “brain death.” Fr. Tad makes the very important point that someone who is actually “brain dead,” by the legal definition, would only be able to have cardiac function retained for a matter of hours to days. Any of the reports of people being “brain dead” for weeks, months, or even years, can not possibly be true, by the current legal definition in the US. I think he is right to oppose any change to the standard, but I think he is wrong to believe that the “medical industrial complex” cares about adhering to anything that would tend to reduce their access to transplant organs.

Holding the line on brain death

How do we determine that someone has died? The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA), which has been an important part of the medical and legal landscape in the U.S.…
People in comas, where brain activity is decreased, are at risk of having their organ harvested, the rationale being they will probably be vegetablesMore
People in comas, where brain activity is decreased, are at risk of having their organ harvested, the rationale being they will probably be vegetables if they wake up. It is a financial consideration, maintaining someone sleeping in a bed versus selling their organs. They can't wait until someone dies, because the organs die. The organs have to be working, the person has to still be alive.
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John A Cassani
I very rarely post, but this is a profoundly sad story from my neck of the woods. Msgr. Strahan is one of the very last “legendary” priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. He directed the choir that sang …More
I very rarely post, but this is a profoundly sad story from my neck of the woods. Msgr. Strahan is one of the very last “legendary” priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. He directed the choir that sang at John Paul II’s first Mass in the USA, on October 1, 1979. He wrote a very simple but beautiful setting of John 21:15-17 that he sang at that Mass. He wrote some Mass settings that were pretty decent, considering that they were for the NO, back in the ‘80s. Anyway, I never heard a bad word spoken about him. I was shocked when the allegation came down 3 years ago, and, sadly, just assumed that he would be out of ministry for the rest of his life. Apparently, there was enough to indict him, on a charge of child rape, no less. I hope that he is not guilty, but it was, at the very least, a major lapse in judgment for a priest to find himself alone with a child, in 2006. Pray for priests.

Middlesex DA: Former Pastor of Saint Bridget’s Parish in Framingham indicted on child rape charges

FRAMINGHAM, MASS. (WHDH) - A former Framingham pastor has been indicted by a grand jury on several …
Yes: Pray for our priests.
3rd Order Postulant
Pray for priests. Daily. Often. Indeed.
We may now have some idea of what we are dealing with, concerning the blodd clots from the “vaccine.” It has been established that the spike protein is toxic, if it gets into one’s bloodstream, and …More
We may now have some idea of what we are dealing with, concerning the blodd clots from the “vaccine.” It has been established that the spike protein is toxic, if it gets into one’s bloodstream, and so the shot is meant to be given “intramuscularly.” How does an injector know if he’s into the muscle, as opposed to a vein? He must “aspirate” the needle, pulling back on the plunger to be sure that no blood comes back through the needle. There are reports that, not only are those administering the shot not instructed to do this, but that they are instructed not to do this. If true, it would seem to be a “smoking gun” as to the ill intentions of those behind these shots. I own goats, and recently had one that was sick, which required me to administer injections of medication and vitamins, subcutaneously. The vet intructed me to aspirate the needle, to make sure I was both under the skin, and not in a blood vessel, because we care about our animals. Who cares about human beings these days?

Barnhardt | Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.

Yep. St. Michael is not only the protector of the Church, but the guardian angel of the Vicar of Christ. How about that. Add St …
The spike protein causes the proteins in the body to fold up into prions. Cannibals get this disease from eating humans. The mRNA is from aborted babies …More
The spike protein causes the proteins in the body to fold up into prions. Cannibals get this disease from eating humans. The mRNA is from aborted babies. The blood clots are mostly made up of heavy metals in the body, assisted by the graphene oxide in the jab.
John A Cassani
An excellent piece from Dr. Janet Smith.

The Fake Theology Behind Vaccine Mandates

In her National Catholic Reporter article “Catholics seeking ‘religious’ exemptions from vaccines must follow true church teaching on conscience”, M. Therese …
The Traditional Catholic Faith teaches that suicide is a mortal sin, so is abortion.