Boanerges Boanerges
Boanerges Boanerges

Christoph Hörstel - #Ceasefire - #FreePalestine+Assange

They want you to take sides and get emotionally drained. They need humanity to despair so that antichrist can offer peace and hope. Turn off the media and pray. Our war is for souls and to make way for Christ.
Boanerges Boanerges

Viganò Accuses Francis of Being a Homosexual

If Vigano would publish the name of this witness he would put him in grave danger. Ecclesiastical masonry eliminates their enemies. Why do you think bishops around the world are so scared?
Boanerges Boanerges

Who was more impactful?

You really think Bergoglio is not going to attack the liturgy? He is saving that for the end. Why he is planning to completely take Jesus out of the Church. His final goal is the Real Presence. Anyways, the level of apostasy already achieved by Bergoglio cannot be even compared to Paul VI times.
Boanerges Boanerges

Homosex Lobby Stronger than Francis

Come on, it was all planned PR, both "leaked" statement and the apology. Sodomy lobby are his friends not his enemies, after 10 years that's clear
Boanerges Boanerges

Francis Doesn't Want Homosexual Priests: too Much "Gayness" in Church

This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from …More
This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from sodomy (after he spent a decade promoting sodomy and all other mortal sins) but that he is actually trying to build into Catholic subconsciousness expectation that every other newly ordained priest is "a faggot because Pope said so". That way Bergoglio and his friends can say "you see, the old Church is no good" and make way for their Masonic new religion and one world government.
Boanerges Boanerges

Francis Doesn't Want Homosexual Priests: too Much "Gayness" in Church

Can you imagine devastating impact of these words on a teenage boy who is considering priestly vocation? Why would anybody go to the seminary when even "the Pope" says it's full of "fags". How about a stubborn husband who's been refusing to come back to church on Sundays and now he reads this in the newspapers: "there, even the Pope says the church is full of fags, what did I tell you, no way I am …More
Can you imagine devastating impact of these words on a teenage boy who is considering priestly vocation? Why would anybody go to the seminary when even "the Pope" says it's full of "fags". How about a stubborn husband who's been refusing to come back to church on Sundays and now he reads this in the newspapers: "there, even the Pope says the church is full of fags, what did I tell you, no way I am going back!" All of those countless souls will be impacted by Bergoglio the destroyer of Church and souls. God help us!
Boanerges Boanerges

Pope Francis allegedly used derogatory term for gay people

This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from …More
This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from sodomy (after he spent a decade promoting sodomy and all other mortal sins) but that he is actually trying to build into Catholic subconsciousness expectation that every other newly ordained priest is "a faggot because Pope said so". That way Bergoglio and his friends can say "you see, the old Church is no good" and make way for their Masonic new religion and one world government.
Boanerges Boanerges

Francis Doesn't Want Homosexual Priests: too Much "Gayness" in Church

He is brutally sarcastic, taking every opportunity to mock Our Holy Church
Boanerges Boanerges

Australia records sharp drop in Mass attendance

Impact of the false prophet Bergoglio and his plan to take millions of souls to Hell. The battle of Armageddon rages on...
Boanerges Boanerges

Jesus Christ makes unlikely red carpet debut at Cannes

Don't worry the Day of Judgement is near...
Boanerges Boanerges

Tucho "Fully Supports" (sic) the Coptic Statement against "Fiducia Supplicans"

The game of diabolical disorientation... completely opposite of "yes, yes, no, no" speech that Christ commands
Boanerges Boanerges

The Consequences of Distracting Oneself on Social Media - Marian Friars Minor

John Allen Jr is Bergoglio's Goebbels. Irapuato please don't post him here (comment for neighboring post with "comments off option")
Boanerges Boanerges

After new norms, will the Vatican make a ruling on Međugorje?

Who cares? Tucho's and Bergo's Vatican is not legit!
Boanerges Boanerges

“Francis Is Clumsy Tactician” – “Spends His Time Lighting And Putting Out Fires”

Of course, destroyer of the Church who poses as Catholic Pope can only be successful if he carefully hides his true intentions. By the way, the devil works the same way
Boanerges Boanerges

Cardinal Burke: Apocalyptic Situation in Church, Caused by Clergy

We are lamenting that the church is on fire but nobody dares to bring water because we don't want to offend the arsonist (aka Bergoglio)
Boanerges Boanerges

Pope Francis Repeats His Abu-Dhabi Nonsense

Clearly the prophet of One world religion
Boanerges Boanerges

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

The purpose of this is to shake the faith of many and it shows that they really don't believe in God anymore