Luciano Costa
Luciano Costa
Sábado, 11 de Maio de 2024 18:30 Rosário, na Capelinha das ApariçõesMais
Sábado, 11 de Maio de 2024 18:30 Rosário, na Capelinha das Aparições
Luciano Costa
Segundo Día de la Novena por la Unción del Espíritu Santo: Oración del segundo día (sábado) ¡Ven, Padre de los pobres. Ven, tesoros que sostienes. Ven, Luz de todo lo que vive! El don del Temor El …Mais
Segundo Día de la Novena por la Unción del Espíritu Santo:
Oración del segundo día (sábado)
¡Ven, Padre de los pobres. Ven, tesoros que sostienes. Ven, Luz de todo lo que vive!
El don del Temor
El don del Santo Temor de Dios nos llena con un soberano respeto por Dios, y nos hace que a nada temamos más que a ofenderlo por el pecado. Es un temor que se eleva, no desde el pensamiento del infierno, sino del sentimiento de reverencia y filial sumisión a nuestro Padre Celestial. Es el temor principio de sabiduría, que nos aparta de los placeres mundanos que podrían de algún modo separarnos de Dios. “Los que temen al Señor tienen corazón dispuesto, y en su presencia se humillan” (Ecl 2,17).
¡Ven, Oh bendito Espíritu de Santo Temor, penetra en lo más íntimo de mi corazón, que te tenga, mi Señor y Dios, ante mi rostro para siempre, ayúdame a huir de todas las cosas que te puedan ofender y hazme merecedor ante los ojos puros de tu Divina Majestad en el Cielo, donde Tú vives y reinas en …Mais
Luciano Costa
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia; Quiz quem meruisti portare, alleluia, Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia: Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. 🌟 “Pray the rosary everyday!” 🕊Mais
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia;
Quiz quem meruisti portare, alleluia,
Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia:
Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.
🌟 “Pray the rosary everyday!” 🕊
Luciano Costa
Sábado, 11 de Maio de 2024 16H00 Rosário, na Capelinha das Aparições de Fátima
Luciano Costa
9 Things to appreciate about our mothers as we age on 05/11/24 As adults we can understand a little more about the vocation of motherhood and why there's so much to be thankful for. There’s no doubt …Mais
9 Things to appreciate about our mothers as we age
on 05/11/24
As adults we can understand a little more about the vocation of motherhood and why there's so much to be thankful for.

There’s no doubt that when we are young we take our mothers for granted. These fabulous females are always on hand to take us to activities, deal with medical emergencies, have food on the table, and even love us when we’re being far from lovable ourselves.
As youngsters we know we have to be grateful for these reassuring figures, but as we age our gratitude for our moms is amplified as we see them for the beautiful, loving constants in our lives.
Here are just nine (there are obviously a lot more!) virtues we discover in our mothers as we become older:
Over the years we push our mothers to the limits. We might do things they disapprove of and yet they still support us and exemplify a love that knows no bounds, mirroring the boundless love of God for His children. The older we get, we …Mais
Luciano Costa
tos Utilidades Galeria Ligações Contactos Home|Noticias|Mensagem do Papa Francisco para o LVIII Dia Mundial das Comunicações Sociais – 12 de maio de 2024 Mensagem do Papa Francisco para o LVIII Dia …Mais

Home|Noticias|Mensagem do Papa Francisco para o LVIII Dia Mundial das Comunicações Sociais – 12 de maio de 2024
Mensagem do Papa Francisco para o LVIII Dia Mundial das Comunicações Sociais – 12 de maio de 2024
Inteligência artificial e sabedoria do coração: para uma comunicação plenamente humana Queridos irmãos e irmãs! A evolução dos sistemas da chamada «inteligência artificial», sobre a qual já me debrucei na recente Mensagem para o Dia Mundial da Paz, está a modificar de forma radical também a informação e a comunicação e, através delas, algumas bases da convivência civil. Trata-se duma mudança que afeta não só aos profissionais, mas a todos. A rápida difusão de maravilhosas invenções, cujo funcionamento e potencialidades são indecifráveis para a maior parte de nós, suscita um espanto que oscila entre entusiasmo e desorientação e põe-nos inevitavelmente diante de questões fundamentais: O que é então o homem, qual é a sua especificidade e qual …Mais
Luciano Costa
12 de maio de 2024 – Solenidade da Ascensão do Senhor – Ano B Na vida de cada indivíduo há etapas decisivas, momentos de passagem muito delicados, nos quais se percebe que está em jogo todo um futuro …Mais
12 de maio de 2024 – Solenidade da Ascensão do Senhor – Ano B
Na vida de cada indivíduo há etapas decisivas, momentos de passagem muito delicados, nos quais se percebe que está em jogo todo um futuro. São momentos de crise, por vezes de angustiante incerteza, de confusão interior e de dor, como acontece em todos os nascimentos.
Também na história da Igreja se verificaram acontecimentos que determinaram mudanças de época, mas nenhum foi tão decisivo como aquele em que se verificou a mudança da presença Jesus. Antes da Páscoa, Ele vivia fisicamente neste mundo e os discípulos eram guiados por Ele, passo a passo; depois da Páscoa, Ele continuou a estar presente, mas já não de forma perceptível aos sentidos, e os discípulos sentiram-se sós e titubeantes, tiveram a sensação de se encontrar perante uma missão que ainda não esta bem definida e que era certamente superior às suas forças.
Como continuar a obra do Mestre? Não seria presunçoso da parte deles considerarem-se capazes de dar início …Mais
Luciano Costa
viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024 19:15 Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de FátimaMais
viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024 19:15
Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de Fátima
Luciano Costa
NOVENA AL ESPÍRITU SANTO DÍA PRIMERO Oración por los 7 dones del Espíritu Santo Oh, Señor Jesucristo, que antes de ascender al cielo prometiste enviar al Espíritu Santo para completar tu obra en las …Mais
Oración por los 7 dones del Espíritu Santo
Oh, Señor Jesucristo, que antes de ascender al cielo prometiste enviar al Espíritu Santo para completar tu obra en las almas de tus Apóstoles y discípulos, dígnate concederme el mismo Espíritu Santo para que Él perfeccione en mi alma la obra de tu gracia y de tu amor. Concédeme el Espíritu de Sabiduría para que pueda despreciar las cosas perecederas de este mundo y aspirar sólo a las cosas que son eternas, el Espíritu de Entendimiento para iluminar mi mente con la luz de tu divina verdad, el Espíritu de Consejo para que pueda siempre elegir el camino más seguro para agradar a Dios y ganar el Cielo, el Espíritu de Fortaleza para que pueda llevar mi cruz contigo y sobrellevar con coraje todos los obstáculos que se opongan a mi salvación, el Espíritu de Conocimiento para que pueda conocer a Dios y conocerme a mí mismo y crecer en la perfección de la ciencia de los santos, el Espíritu de Piedad para que pueda …Mais
What ison 05/10/24 For many decades the World Apostolate of Fatima was known as the "Blue Army." It was launched in 1946 in response to world events following World War II. In many parishes in the …Mais
What ison 05/10/24
For many decades the World Apostolate of Fatima was known as the "Blue Army." It was launched in 1946 in response to world events following World War II.
In many parishes in the United States there is listed a Blue Army that will pray together inside the church.
Without any prior knowledge of the group, it may appear odd to have an “army” meet at a Catholic Church.
While the name is still being used in many places, the group is officially known as the World Apostolate of Fatima.
To be a member of Mary’s “Blue Army,” members commit themselves to the following spiritual devotions:
The World Apostolate of Fatima is made up of individual members around the world who strive to practice the spiritual requests of Our Lady of Fatima in reparation for sins, for the conversion of sinners, for the salvation of souls, and to obtain the triumph of her Immaculate Heart and peace in the world. Our Lady asks you to be as faithful as you can in honoring her requests.
Offer up every …Mais
Psoares1969 compartilhou isso
The spiritual benefits of honoring your mother on 05/10/24 God commanded us to "Honor your father and mother," and whenever we do, we reap a multitude of spiritual benefits that put us in right …Mais
The spiritual benefits of honoring your mother
on 05/10/24
God commanded us to "Honor your father and mother," and whenever we do, we reap a multitude of spiritual benefits that put us in right relationship with others.

The commandment to “Honor your father and mother” can be either the easiest or most difficult commandment that God gave to Moses.
Often our relationship with our mother is one that is cherished and fostered over the years.
On the other hand, sometimes we may try to deliberately avoid our mother, either because we have been wounded in the past, or because we have done something wrong that we believe would provoke her to anger.
Whatever our relationship with our mother may be, God calls us to honor her.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that this commandment is an important one to observe: God has willed that, after him, we should honor our parents to whom we owe life and who have handed on to us the knowledge of God. We are obliged to honor and respect all …Mais
Pope Francis’ busy schedule for the next 6 months 05/10/24 The Pontiff has apparently rebounded from recent health issues and has a busy schedule of trips and events from now to the end of the year.Mais
Pope Francis’ busy schedule for the next 6 months
The Pontiff has apparently rebounded from recent health issues and has a busy schedule of trips and events from now to the end of the year.

Atrip to Verona in May, a visit to Trieste in July, a trip to Asia and Oceania in September, the second session of the Synod on the Future of the Church in October … Pope Francis’ agenda for the next six months promises to be packed. Despite his health problems last winter, the Pontiff seems intent on continuing to fill his time at the helm of the Church.
Travels in Italy and beyond
At the end of April, the Pope was in Venice. This week in Rome, he issued the Bull of Indiction for the Jubilee of 2025. On May 18, he’ll be back by helicopter to Verona. Perhaps in June, he’ll be in Bari for the G7. This summer, he is also due to visit the city of Trieste. And a major trip — the longest of his pontificate — will take him to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore, from September …Mais
Jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024 19:15 Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de FátimaMais
Jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024 19:15
Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de Fátima
Thursday, May 9, 2024 3:30 pm Mass, in English, at the Chapel of the Apparitions of FátimaMais
Thursday, May 9, 2024 3:30 pm
Mass, in English, at the Chapel of the Apparitions of Fátima
Here’s why Hawaii’s St. Damien got his May 10 feast day on 05/09/24 Damien of Molokai died on April 15, 1889, but his feast day isn't until May. Here's why. Much beloved St. Damien of Molokai, who …Mais
Here’s why Hawaii’s St. Damien got his May 10 feast day
on 05/09/24
Damien of Molokai died on April 15, 1889, but his feast day isn't until May. Here's why.

Much beloved St. Damien of Molokai, who cared for those with leprosy in Hawaii, went to eternity on an April 15, in the year 1889.
Though the death date of a saint is customarily their feast day, there are a number of saints for which that is not the case. Often, diving into the date that is selected for their feast reveals something interesting.
For example, John Paul II’s feast day is the day he became pope. And the feast day of a number of married couples is their wedding anniversary (the Ulmas, Charles of Zita, the Martins, and the Quattrocchis). Paul VI’s feast is the anniversary of his ordination, and John XXIII’s on the day he launched
St. Damien is another to add to the list of saints with unique feasts.
April 15, his death date, often falls during Lent. So what happened on May 10, the day his feast is celebrated? “I am …Mais
martes, 7 de mayo de 2024 19:15 Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de FátimaMais
martes, 7 de mayo de 2024 19:15
Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de Fátima
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Mass, at the Chapel of the Apparitions of Fátima
Blessed Carlo Acutis tells stories of miracles in podcast series on 05/07/24 Saints Alive is teaming with Hallow to produce a weekly serial in the same vein as the old-fashioned radio dramas, with high …Mais
Blessed Carlo Acutis tells stories of miracles in podcast series
on 05/07/24
Saints Alive is teaming with Hallow to produce a weekly serial in the same vein as the old-fashioned radio dramas, with high production quality.

An imaginative new podcast series is bringing Blessed Carlo Acutis’ passion for Eucharistic Miracles front and center. The series, called Eucharist Alive, is run by the Saints Alive podcast, a successful half-hour program that has teamed up with the #1 prayer app, Hallow.
Saints Alive has been working to spread the stories of Catholic saints through podcast episodes and conversations for more than two years. The podcast has enjoyed a very successful run, with much of their audience built from word-of-mouth, as fans share their high-quality program with families, friends, and parishes.
Now, thanks to a partnership with Hallow, Saints Alive is expanding its offerings from monthly episodes to multiple weekly releases of Eucharist Alive.
Eucharist Alive is not what one …Mais
lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024 19:15 Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de FátimaMais
lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024 19:15
Misa, en español, en la Capilla de las Apariciones de Fátima