
Transwoman Aayden Gallagher wins the girls' 200-meter dash at the Sherwood Need for Speed Classic in …

No such thing as a "transwoman". Just a male cheat in women's clothing, stealing the prize from the women. It's best if we don't use the enemy's terms.

Easter Vigil: Participants Morph into Lemmings and Sheep (Video)

Lord help us. What a grim event. Like a "music and movement" session in a care home.

Wedding in the Novus Ordo in Germany: A Dog Brings The Rings

There used to be a novus ordo priest locally, here in England, who had his labrador padding around in the sanctuary during mass. He also would turn up in a t-shirt to set up the altar immediately before mass. They haven't a clue.

Axe the Tax! Why do WE FUND the BBC & Pressure Groups that HATE US? £800k to Decolonise RL Stevenson …

No government will get rid of the BBC and the fake "charities". They need their propaganda distributors. Whether the parasites wear a red or blue rosette matters not; they're all the same. All we can do is to personally refuse to fund these bodies and to highlight the corruption of Big Government and its lackeys.

Jordan Peterson speaking about the power of the cross and the Easter message

Indeed. For me, the most annoying thing about Jordan Peterson's current round of interviews is that he's usually sitting alongside his wife who has had a religious experience and converted to the faith. Catholic interviewers then spend all their time asking agnostic Jordan to interpret his wife's experience and faith rather than letting the actual Catholic speak for herself.

Fully Traditional (Pre-Pius XII Revisions) Good Friday “Mass of the Presanctified” -Part I of 3

Blessed to have the pre-55 rite still available here.

Is this the Catholic future? Parody instead of serious religion?

Looks like a Holy Trinity Brompton style church plant. Basically the Church of England doing the pop concert as worship thing. Sadly some "Catholic" movements are doing the same. Vacuous, emotive stuff that seems very dated. Unlikely to be the future (or have much of a future).

Seder Meals Violate the 1st Commandment

The Carmelite friars in the UK are a dying breed. No vocations. We can see why.

Funny Pope Francis: "My Wheelchair Like Sedia Gestatoria"

He talks as much meaningless gibberish as Kamala Harris. And is about as holy.

No One Says “It’s a Free Country” Any More. Lee Anderson Was Right: We Want Our Country Back – …

It isn't a free country. We have political prisoners, erosion of liberty, and a government that's happy to imprison its population for a cold.

Francis: A Porn Pontificate that Makes Borgia Popes Jealous

Payback for promoting experimental jabs tested with cell lines from a 14 week female unborn baby? That he should have promoted such a thing - and set a precedent that Big Pharma can continue to abuse - is diabolical.

Francis Removes Tyrannical Bishop

Good riddance. One of the worst of the English bishops (and most of them are pretty terrible) serving in the ugliest cathedral in the land.

Francis Is Also A Supporter of the So-Called "World Economic Forum"

At least Javier Milei called them out in his speech. He also spoke out against "bloody abortion" agenda and population control. It was entirely against the WEF agenda and rigorous in its condemnation of socialism, statist attacks on freedom and the cult of globalism. (He does need to learn to present his message more succinctly.)

Dimash & Hauser “Ave Maria” full performance

Too full of themselves (and a costume change!). No room for the BVM.

Francis Is Sick

Lord, thy will be done.

Vatican Sees Buddha As Great Healer On Same Level as Christ

After promoting Pachademon worship, Bergoglio now promotes atheist dharma. Lord, rid us of this squatter.

In Ireland at Dublin University a Muslim student threatened Jewish students: “We will do what happened …

Islam is incompatible with civilised society anywhere.