Alex A
Alex A
Must read for thinking Catholics!
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Swedish Saint: "If the Pope in Rome and All the Priests Should Leave the Church…"

A brilliant 30-minute film (below) about Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad (+1957), the first Swedish saint since the late Middle Ages, has been produced by EWTN Norge. The narrator is Clemens Cavellin, a …More
A brilliant 30-minute film (below) about Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad (+1957), the first Swedish saint since the late Middle Ages, has been produced by EWTN Norge. The narrator is Clemens Cavellin, a Catholic academic.
Elizabeth, a Lutheran, emigrated to the USA in 1888. She started working from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., suffered from a stomach illness with internal bleeding, led a lonely and sad life and ended up in hospital.
In the hospital she received poor treatment, felt forgotten and finally turned to God: "If You make me well enough, I will dedicate my life to Your poor and never let anyone You send me to care for be left like this".
Elizabeth recovered, learned to be a nurse, and began to attend different churches and even synagogues in search of answers to her religious questions.
Most of the Catholics she met were poor labourers. As a nurse, she once treated a Dominican nun in a convent. There she read about the Real Presence in the Eucharist.
She was employed as a nurse by a wealthy …More
Alex A

Stirring Speech

Jeffrey Ade
I read some of the close cations and we must realize CPAC is simply controlled oppostion. They are the synthesis aspect and have nothing to offer freedom …More
I read some of the close cations and we must realize CPAC is simply controlled oppostion. They are the synthesis aspect and have nothing to offer freedom loving Americans. Only Our Lady of Fatima can help us and she asks us to make the Five First Saturday devotions and pray our daily Rosary. This will "steel our spines" when we are called to defend the Holy Catholic Church from this diabolical disorientation.
Wow ! someone who actually knows civil war history! Go 20 th Maine
Alex A

Stirring Speech

Alex A

Two words about the British monarchy.

Thoughts on the monarchy. Courtesy of Mundabor. Rest in peace, Ma’am… If you want to understand the English ways, you need to understand how the Monarchy works. The Monarch is completely, and I mean …More
Thoughts on the monarchy. Courtesy of Mundabor.
Rest in peace, Ma’am…
If you want to understand the English ways, you need to understand how the Monarchy works.
The Monarch is completely, and I mean completely, deprived of power. There is nothing, in political matters, that the Monarch has the right to decide on. Whilst Britain does not have a written constitution, and the lack of power of the Sovereign is not, so to speak, black on white, Britain has an unwritten constitution that is stronger than most written ones. Any fantasy of the Queen doing this or that, refusing to sign laws, or firing Prime Ministers, is a fantasy for old, grumpy men with too many beers in them and no understanding of how the world works.
The Sovereign cannot appoint a Prime Minister of his choice, disband parliament and call new elections, or have a veto right over the appointment of ministers. The “Queen’s Speech”, (now “King’s Speech”), which opens the parliamentary year, is written by the Prime Minister …More
John A Cassani
The first big test for his reign will be the plans for his coronation. Will he want to do away with it, or will the government want to do away with it …More
The first big test for his reign will be the plans for his coronation. Will he want to do away with it, or will the government want to do away with it, as the continental monarchies have? The government probably wants to keep it going, precisely for the reasons stated above. A monarchy where all of the monarchical trappings are in a museum is not a monarchy people are going to travel to England to see. Years ago, Charles spoke of wanting to be called “Defender of faith,” rather than “Defender of the Faith.” Of course, ever since Henry VIII received this title from the Pope, not a single British monarch has truly defended the Faith, but Charles want to be seen as the defender of Islam, and who knows what else. But, looking back at Elizabeth’s coronation, it is hard to imagine all of the Christian symbols surviving in modern Britain.
Let's not forget that there is also an invisible power dynamic among freemasons. The monarchy might appear powerless, but it's hard to tell how much …More
Let's not forget that there is also an invisible power dynamic among freemasons. The monarchy might appear powerless, but it's hard to tell how much they actually pull the strings.
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Alex A

Ben Carson

Alex A shares from Irapuato
A'plas - The story of Father Stanley Rother (2009)
A'plas - The story of Father Stanley Rother (2009) Diegovid on Feb 9, 2016 Apla's is the story of Father Stanley Rother, who while trying to improve his parishioners' condition of life in Guatemala, …More
A'plas - The story of Father Stanley Rother (2009)
Diegovid on Feb 9, 2016 Apla's is the story of Father Stanley Rother, who while trying to improve his parishioners' condition of life in Guatemala, was murdered a midst political turmoil between Guatemala's government and indigenous peasant formed guerrillas. Rother is now in the process of becoming a saint.
Alex A

Rediscovering Archbishop Lefebvre’s Intolerance for Error Before There’s No Tolerance for Truth “Nothing is done in the world that does not relate to …

Rediscover Archbishop Lefebvre's intolerance......
Ave Crux
O the irony of Rand Miller's comment....! "Apparently his intolerance for error didn't include Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus." Vatican II's heterodox …More
O the irony of Rand Miller's comment....! "Apparently his intolerance for error didn't include Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus."
Vatican II's heterodox assertions in Dignitatis Humanae concerning Religious Liberty -- and the natural "right" of men to profess religious error and false religions contrary to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and contrary to the Church's teaching prior to Vatican II -- was precisely one of the reasons Archbishop Lefebvre considered that the crisis in the Church was not only liturgical, but doctrinal.
It is the reason Lefebvre was called out of retirement by young men who wanted an orthodox, Catholic seminary without being poisoned by these errors.
It is one of the reasons he considered the crisis in the Church so severe that he would not be forced to violate his conscience and die without providing for those seminarians and the means to preserve the Church's Patrimony and doctrines from the assaults of Modernism.
Archbishop Lefebvre will be canonized …More
Rand Miller
@Alex A Apparently his intolerance for error didn't include Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.
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Alex A
Extraordinary Form of the Mass explained. Father Calvin Goodwin, Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP;, explains the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. To view more videos …More
Extraordinary Form of the Mass explained.
Father Calvin Goodwin, Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP;, explains the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. To view more videos about the Extraordinary Form (called also by the various names "Gregorian Rite mass," "Latin mass," "Tridentine mass," etc.), buy the FSSP's DVD "The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite: An Instructional Video for Priests and Seminarians" here:
Fraternity of Saint Peter
Alex A
Pahoo Katawah
Who’s face is that in the bottom left corner of the screen and why is it there⁉️ How sad, still it does not destroy the credibility of the video.
Credo .
This video is great!
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Alex A shares from Scapular
Covid 19 Vaccines
Real World Data reveals Dangerous Directive of Vaccine Mandates. This blows mandates apart and shows they create liability by increasing risks for all that come into places insisting on mandates; given …More
Real World Data reveals Dangerous Directive of Vaccine Mandates.
This blows mandates apart and shows they create liability by increasing risks for all that come into places insisting on mandates; given the now demonstrable addition of risk to employees and patrons of catching Covid19 BECAUSE of the Vaccinated
Here is a link to a short presentation with LINKS to all Data
Here is a link to exactly how the Vaccine Effcicay is Calculated by Pfizer and in this Video for the UK data that is over 2000 times bigger in case numbers and 100% more relevent in terms of the Covid19 Strain.
And here is a link to the Pfizer Study used to justify the roll out of its Clinical Trial Vaccine accross all ages and all levels of health independent of the risk factor for the individual and independant of the massive number of reported short term adverse effects and completely unkonw medium and …More
Jeffrey Ade
Just read an interesting article and all I have is this to add..
Alex A

Irish Christmas Blessing for all at GTV.

The same movie Bernadette 1988 in english voice; MOVIE BERNADETTE ( 1988) AUDIO IN ENGLISH AND LEGEND IN SPANISHMore
The same movie Bernadette 1988 in english voice;
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Alex A

Segue From the Pandemic

Short video-SkyNewsAustralia.
Alex A
Anti-lockdown bus covered with signs demanding Daniel Andrews be sacked. COVID-19 testingMore
Anti-lockdown bus covered with signs demanding Daniel Andrews be sacked.
COVID-19 testing
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Alex A
Help me Dr. Phil, I can't stop lying. Guest: Premier Daniel Andrews
Alex A
Anti-lockdown bus covered with signs demanding Daniel Andrews be sacked. Short video of a bus/coach covered with slogans for the state's leader to step down.More
Anti-lockdown bus covered with signs demanding Daniel Andrews be sacked.
Short video of a bus/coach covered with slogans for the state's leader to step down.