Joy Dvorak
Joy Dvorak

Like Sheep Among Wolves We Need to Trust The Good Shepherd

Thanks be to God for His faithful clergy who fearlessly preach the truth. Fr. Altier remains close to my heart for all his words of wisdom.
Joy Dvorak

Couple at the beach, Americana, 1900

It took only 50 years for people to feel comfortable going to the beach half naked, and a few more for them to venture out completely naked. I grew up in Florida ..... where in 2018 I knew of a priest who frequently ran at the beach, shirtless. I pray for those who live near the beach to have their eyes opened to the value of modesty. Make 1900's Attire Great Again!
Joy Dvorak

Seek First His Kingdom Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 9-4-2023 Fr Altier is a Priest at …

Thank you CPO for sharing Fr. Altier's homilies. His messages are always clear and encouraging. I keep him in my prayers.
Joy Dvorak

Novus Ordo Entertainment: Our Father With Guitar (Video)

I angered a NO goer by using the term "new church."
Joy Dvorak

So why does Lewis Hamilton dress like this?

Why does a Catholic believe this is breaking news and worthy to be shared?
Joy Dvorak

Some crazy stories coming out of Burning Man

Modesty matters. Not all "news" is worthy of sharing.
Joy Dvorak

Halbnackte Tänzer im Osnabrücker Dom

It is unnecessary to how this immodest and vulgar behavior. At least John the Baptist would stand up and say that it is not proper.