Elpidius .
Elpidius . shares from Claudius Cartapus
Catechism in Pictures-12 The full book in PDF with all texts transcribed by keyboard was released on November 26. To download it, see the article: Catechism in Pictures (1938 edition)More
Catechism in Pictures-12
The full book in PDF with all texts transcribed by keyboard was released on November 26. To download it, see the article: Catechism in Pictures (1938 edition)
Elpidius . shares from Polska Onuca
Police State Documentary “Police State” is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made. I feel like the animal that …More
Police State Documentary
“Police State” is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made. I feel like the animal that alerts the herd to approaching danger, so we can take precautionary steps …
Elpidius . shares from Bazsó-Dombi Attila
VATICAN II, 60 YEARS LATER: Can You Handle the Truth? (includes never-before-seen vintage video) Michael Matt shares clips from a vintage documentary on the Second Vatican Council, and asks a few easy …More
VATICAN II, 60 YEARS LATER: Can You Handle the Truth? (includes never-before-seen vintage video)
Michael Matt shares clips from a vintage documentary on the Second Vatican Council, and asks a few easy questions:
Do you believe the Catholic Church is better off today than it was in 1965?
Do you believe the Gospel is being proclaimed to the world more efficiently?
Is the priesthood better off?
How about your extended family? Are they all still practicing?
No? So why are we still insisting that Vatican II was such a smashing success? What explains the almost cult-like adoration of a 60-year-old event that by all leading indicators left the Church in shambles?
This video includes vintage clips of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Walter Matt, and Michael Matt from the early 1970s. “The fight against Vatican II began right away, back when I was a kid,” Michael recalls, “and I guess I’d like to ask the Pollyannas out there to stop the ‘glad game’ and get real about about what really happened at …More
Elpidius . shares from Coenobium
Have fun!!
Elpidius . shares from Sensus Fidelium
Elpidius . shares from Novena - Oremus
St. Augustine: “A single tear shed at the remembrance of the Passion of Jesus is worth more than a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or a year of fasting on bread and water.”
And the Passion is wasted on so many. Our Lady of Fatima said that so many souls go to hell because there is no one to pray for them! Lets hit it hard …More
And the Passion is wasted on so many. Our Lady of Fatima said that so many souls go to hell because there is no one to pray for them! Lets hit it hard this week and pray constantly especially for those we don't like.
Elpidius . shares from Pierre Henri
We Discovered Why Trains Keep Derailing. Have you noticed a new train derailment story every day this year? It’s not just you. There are 1700 train derailments every year and the rate of train accidents …More
We Discovered Why Trains Keep Derailing.
Have you noticed a new train derailment story every day this year? It’s not just you. There are 1700 train derailments every year and the rate of train accidents has risen 27% over the last 10 years. This is a safety crisis. We investigated what’s behind it.
Elpidius . shares from Sensus Fidelium
Elpidius . shares from Ludovic 2Nîm
New World Order Predictive Programming for Third Secret of Fatima Chastisement
Elpidius . shares from john333
The Late Great Planet Earth 1979 / Drama / Documentary This film depicts the end of the world through literal interpretations of Biblical prophecies. Moving from ancient times to the looming apocalypse …More
The Late Great Planet Earth 1979 / Drama / Documentary
This film depicts the end of the world through literal interpretations of Biblical prophecies. Moving from ancient times to the looming apocalypse, the story warns of false prophets and focuses on the problems besetting the globe during the late 197…
Elpidius . shares from Jungerheld
Look what I found! FSSP Video on Traditional Latin Mass (Part 1/3)More
Look what I found!
FSSP Video on Traditional Latin Mass (Part 1/3)
Elpidius . shares from Pierre Henri
King Corn Full Documentary : King Corn is a feature documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation.More
King Corn Full Documentary :
King Corn is a feature documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation.
Elpidius . shares from Servant Of Divine Mercy
WORLD PREMIERE: How the World Was Made in Six Days - Introduction How the World Was Made in Six Days is a documentary series that takes the best of the relevant teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of …More
WORLD PREMIERE: How the World Was Made in Six Days - Introduction
How the World Was Made in Six Days is a documentary series that takes the best of the relevant teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the best conclusions from modern scientific experiments and theories, and the best interpretations of Scripture based on a thorough exegesis of the original Hebrew and Greek texts, and puts them all together to produce the most biblically sound and scientifically viable explanation of the origin and operation of the universe that Christianity has ever offered to the modern age. Day One of the DVD series will be available for online streaming and DVD at Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation – A Catholic apostolate dedicated to proclaiming the truth about the origins of man & the universe in the very near future.
Elpidius . shares from tearlach
Elpidius . shares from DefendTruth
Dr. Peter McCullough: Vaccinated Danger to Unvaccinated, Vaccine Shedding
Elpidius . shares from Irapuato
A Christmas Carol part 1 astroboy1960 on Dec 8, 2006 Richard Williams Oscar winning animated version of the Dickens Christmas Classic. Part 1 of 4.More
A Christmas Carol part 1
astroboy1960 on Dec 8, 2006 Richard Williams Oscar winning animated version of the Dickens Christmas Classic. Part 1 of 4.
Elpidius . shares from Scapular

Stevia, a very popular sweetener, is a contraceptive.

Please share as relevant: Stevia, a very popular sweetener, is a contraceptive. I first learned about it through reptilian Paul Ehrlich, high up in the Obama administration and writer of one of the …More
Please share as relevant:
Stevia, a very popular sweetener, is a contraceptive. I first learned about it through reptilian Paul Ehrlich, high up in the Obama administration and writer of one of the first definitive Amalek sources of “solutions” to the fictitious “problem” of overpopulation. (I bought this book, published in 1970, in hard copy because I wanted to have it to show to people).
“A South American weed, Stevia rebaudiana, has traditionally been used by the Indians in Paraguay as a contraceptive. Each day the women drink a cup of water in which the POWDERED WEED has been boiled.” (p227-28, emphasis added).
In recommending Stevia as a stealth method to curb “overpopulation,” Ehrlich further explains that animal experiments showed a 57-79% reduction in fertility lasting up to 2 months after use.
Stevia is the new “hot” sweetener, at every Starbucks and wherever else. It often goes by the name “Truvia” as well. Ehrlich’s suggestion was taken.
Elpidius . shares from Wilma Lopez
Modern medicine
Hound of Heaven
“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" - Abraham Maslow.
Elpidius . shares from la verdad prevalece

What can I do for my departed loved Ones

by According to St. Alphonsus Liguori The holy souls suffering in the prison of purgatory are incapable of helping themselves. Out of the depths of torturing flame they call to us "Miseremini!" "Have …More
by According to St. Alphonsus Liguori
The holy souls suffering in the prison of purgatory are incapable of helping themselves. Out of the depths of torturing flame they call to us "Miseremini!" "Have pity on us!" We have it in our power to help these suffering friends of God. We can do so by prayer, alms-deeds, works of mercy, holy communion, the Holy Mass, and indulgences, and to do so is certainly an act of charity. Understanding this full well, the saints, without exception, have been most earnest and constant in their efforts to help them. Some of them have made this devotion one of the strong characteristics of their sanctity, and we venture to say that no truly devout or sincere Catholic neglects this spiritual work of mercy.
Even the very poor, in Ireland for instance, and also in this country, make many sacrifices in order to secure for their departed relatives and others the special benefits of the Holy Mass. May the same enlightened piety ever remain firmly rooted in the hearts …More
Elpidius . shares from DefendTruth
The Simpsons, 2010. Which of the writers for this show had access to DHS inside information?