Planned Parenthood of Virginia Beach Flies Homo Flag. As if their murder of unborn babies isn't enough, they insult us with flying the homosexual sodomite flag.More
Planned Parenthood of Virginia Beach Flies Homo Flag.
As if their murder of unborn babies isn't enough, they insult us with flying the homosexual sodomite flag.
Santissima Trinita, Padre, Figlio, e Spirito Santo:
ti adoro profondamente e ti offro il preziosissimo Corpo, Sangue, Anima e Divinità di Gesù Cristo,
presente in tutti i tabernacoli della terra in riparazione degli oltraggi, sacrilegi e delle indifferenze con cui Egli stesso viene offeso.
E per i meriti infiniti del suo Sacratissimo Cuore e per intercessione del Cuore Immacolato di Maria,
ti chiedo …More
Santissima Trinita, Padre, Figlio, e Spirito Santo:
ti adoro profondamente e ti offro il preziosissimo Corpo, Sangue, Anima e Divinità di Gesù Cristo,
presente in tutti i tabernacoli della terra in riparazione degli oltraggi, sacrilegi e delle indifferenze con cui Egli stesso viene offeso.
E per i meriti infiniti del suo Sacratissimo Cuore e per intercessione del Cuore Immacolato di Maria,
ti chiedo la conversione dei poveri peccatori.
the devil is on earth..with the baby killers and the sodomites!
holyrope 3
More on the Cleveland Chapter Right to Life:
The Breakdown of the Family is The Cause of Abortion
More on the Cleveland Chapter Right to Life:

The Breakdown of the Family is The Cause of Abortion

Send this to the news media..I just did. If more people do, the better! Send a letter with copy of this video to ....
No surprise here...and yet the National Right To Life organization says they have "disowned" the Cleveland Chapter because they have openly defended marriage as being between a Man and Woman. They also defended the rights of a child to have both Father and Mother. This was BEFORE Senator Rob Portman of Ohio changed his views from traditional family to supporting gay "marriage", since his son announced …More
No surprise here...and yet the National Right To Life organization says they have "disowned" the Cleveland Chapter because they have openly defended marriage as being between a Man and Woman. They also defended the rights of a child to have both Father and Mother. This was BEFORE Senator Rob Portman of Ohio changed his views from traditional family to supporting gay "marriage", since his son announced he's queer. ...According to the NRTL'S letter to the Cleveland chapter, they state that the gay issues including gay "marriage" is not part of their pro-life mission. Interesting though, that the letter that the Cleveland Chapter received from them came from the office of Rob Portman! Scum bags! This is witness to the evil works of the gays and their agenda! Perverts!
Hay Zeus
Disgusting! Where's the homos .... They must be proud of it.