
Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception – David Icke

The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror …
Davide Icke doesn't believe we're all reptiles, Still_I_Rise Just our world leaders. :D He probably got the idea from that fab TV mini-series "V" back in 1983. I don't know if that was before your time. You must have been around eight or nine back then. It was the TV event of the spring for the grade-school set.
They made some fantastic toys for "V" including the lizard soldier guy. I kinda …More
Davide Icke doesn't believe we're all reptiles, Still_I_Rise Just our world leaders. :D He probably got the idea from that fab TV mini-series "V" back in 1983. I don't know if that was before your time. You must have been around eight or nine back then. It was the TV event of the spring for the grade-school set.

They made some fantastic toys for "V" including the lizard soldier guy. I kinda wanted one, but Return Of The Jedi was already getting hyped big-time and literally just weeks away. There was no chance I was gonna ask for anything until I saw the next and -last- Star Wars movie. I already knew (from the last two movies) how epic the new toys would be. (and I was soooo right)

"Ps. Icke also believes in the legitimacy of The Protocols."

Hellooooo GTV!
Some idiots on this site do as well.

In a way, The Protocols are a bad thing that's an unintentional good thing. They're like fly-paper for stupid, The Protocols are coated with powerful Jew-hating pheremones that stupid can't resist and then the special sticky glue holds it tight. Since The Protocols are easily debunked as a literary forgery they're ultimately a devastating trap.

Stupid buzzes about "Da Jooz" and ominously quotes from "Da Protocolz". Their "proof" gets debunked and they end up looking, well... stupid.

The mini-series V presented a thoughtful allegory about the anti-Semitic persecutions in Germany, applying it to scientists who might be able to stop the evil lizard baddies. All in all, it was a great show and has a lasting place as classic 80s sci-fi with a terrific cast. MFW someone mentions David Icke or The Protocols. (courtesy of Robert Englund, who was part of V's cast) :D