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La Iglesia de San Sergio, Cairo, y la Cripta de la Sagrada Familia. by wen88888 on Apr 13, 2007Más
La Iglesia de San Sergio, Cairo, y la Cripta de la Sagrada Familia.
by wen88888 on Apr 13, 2007
L église de Saint Serge et Saint Bacchus (Abu Serga) date du 4ème siècle et est aujourd hui considérée comme étant la plus vieille église chrétienne du Caire. Elle est dédiée à deux martyres et la croyance dit qu’elle est construite sur le lieu où la sainte famille, Joseph, Marie et l’enfant jésus, se reposèrent et trouvèrent refuge lors de leur fuite d’Égypte. Ils auraient même vécu ici …Más
L église de Saint Serge et Saint Bacchus (Abu Serga) date du 4ème siècle et est aujourd hui considérée comme étant la plus vieille église chrétienne du Caire. Elle est dédiée à deux martyres et la croyance dit qu’elle est construite sur le lieu où la sainte famille, Joseph, Marie et l’enfant jésus, se reposèrent et trouvèrent refuge lors de leur fuite d’Égypte. Ils auraient même vécu ici quand joseph travaillait comme menuisier.…/37
Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church, also known as Abu Serga, in Coptic Cairo is one of the oldest Coptic churches in Egypt, dating back to the 4th century.[1]
1 Importance
2 The church
3 Pope Christodolos
4 See also
4.1 Other Coptic Orthodox Churches
5 External links
6 References
Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church is traditionally believed to have been built on the spot where the …Más
Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church, also known as Abu Serga, in Coptic Cairo is one of the oldest Coptic churches in Egypt, dating back to the 4th century.[1]

1 Importance
2 The church
3 Pope Christodolos
4 See also
4.1 Other Coptic Orthodox Churches
5 External links
6 References
Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church is traditionally believed to have been built on the spot where the Holy Family, Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus Christ, rested at the end of their journey into Egypt. They may have lived here while Joseph worked at the fortress.[1]
The church is of significant historical importance, and in fact, it is where many patriarchs of the Coptic Church were elected. The first to be elected here was Patriarch Isaac (681-692) It is the episcopal church of Cairo, and it was the episcopal See of Masr (the district of Old Cairo) that replaced the former See of Babylon. Many bishops of the See were consecrated in the Church until the reign of Patriarch Christodulus (1047–1077).
The church
The church is dedicated to Sergius and Bacchus, who were soldier-saints martyred during the 4th century in Syria by the Roman Emperor Maximian. The most interesting feature is the crypt where Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus are said to have rested. The crypt is 10 meters deep and, when Nile levels are high, is often flooded.[2]
The Church was built in the 4th century and was probably finished during the 5th century. It was burned during the fire of Fustat during the reign of Marwan II around 750. It was then restored during the 8th century, and has been rebuilt and restored constantly since medieval times; however, it is still considered to be a model of the early Coptic churches. Again, the most precious and ancient of the icons are on the southern wall. A vast central hall is divided into three naves by two rows of pilasters.[3]
Pope Christodolos
By the 11th century AD the Seat of the Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria, which is historically based in Alexandria, Egypt was moved to Cairo as ruling powers moved away from Alexandria to Cairo after the Arab invasion of Egypt and during Pope Christodolos's tenure Cairo became the fixed and official residence of the Coptic Pope at the Hanging Church in Cairo in 1047.
Infighting between the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus and the El Muallaqa Church broke out due to the wishes of that patriarch's desire to be consecrated in the Hanging Church, a ceremony that traditionally took place at Saints Sergius and Bacchus.…)
Un comentario más de Irapuato
Iglesia de San Sergio (Abu Serga)
Ubicación: El Cairo
La iglesia de San Sergio (Abu Serga) y San Baco es considerada como la más antigua de las iglesias cristianas de El Cairo. Está dedicada a dos soldados santos que fueron martirizados durante el siglo IV d.C. en Siria por el emperador romano Maximiliano. El edificio fue construido probablemente durante el siglo V d.C.
Acerca del 750 d.C. se …Más
Iglesia de San Sergio (Abu Serga)
Ubicación: El Cairo

La iglesia de San Sergio (Abu Serga) y San Baco es considerada como la más antigua de las iglesias cristianas de El Cairo. Está dedicada a dos soldados santos que fueron martirizados durante el siglo IV d.C. en Siria por el emperador romano Maximiliano. El edificio fue construido probablemente durante el siglo V d.C.

Acerca del 750 d.C. se quemó, ya que fue incendiada la ciudad de Fustat (antigua capital de Egipto), mientras reinaba Marwan II. Luego fue restaurada en el siglo VIII y reconstruida y restaurada constantemente desde la época medieval.

Se cree que fue construida en el sitio donde la Sagrada Familia: José, María y el niño Jesús, descansaron al final de su jornada en Egipto. Ellos pudieron haber vivido allí mientras José trabajaba en la fortaleza.…/37