Every single night, Pope Francis says he calls to check in on the priest at the only Catholic Church in Gaza. "The other day they were happy because they managed to eat some meat. The rest of the time …More
Every single night, Pope Francis says he calls to check in on the priest at the only Catholic Church in Gaza. "The other day they were happy because they managed to eat some meat. The rest of the time they eat flour, things made of flour," says the pope.
While he lights up another menora . Coming from the dirty years of Argentina he knows a thing or two of playing the game.He and JP II seem to escape imprisonment in their countries darkest times. 🤫
Palestine has no army. Palestine has no air force. The Palestinians have no rights. They live walled off from the rest of Israel in an outdoor concentration camp. They have lived this way for 75 years. How can you possibly say there is a war between unarmed prisoners and their keepers? This is purely a genocide while the whole world watches. The Pope knows the circumstances under which the Palestinians …More
Palestine has no army. Palestine has no air force. The Palestinians have no rights. They live walled off from the rest of Israel in an outdoor concentration camp. They have lived this way for 75 years. How can you possibly say there is a war between unarmed prisoners and their keepers? This is purely a genocide while the whole world watches. The Pope knows the circumstances under which the Palestinians suffer, yet he does not have the the moral fortitude to advocate for them. He is an evil man.

I posted this in April. Since then the Israelis corralled 1.5 million Palestinians into the southern city of Rafah. The population before the "war" was 300,000. There is one toilet for every 400 people. On May 5, they blocked any passage into the city, and effectively removed all humanitarian aide including water, fuel and food, which was very inadequate to begin with. For 16 days they have cut off the supply of water in 100 degree heat.
There is no one left alive in Rafah. The Palestinians are all dead.
They died of dehydration and disease, men, women and children in complete filth and degradation.
Although the entire world watches in horror as the Zionists slaughter tens of thousands of innocents, at least 15,000 children and babies (although it seems like they stopped counting long ago); Pope Francis remains staunchly impartial for fear of offending his Jewish masters. Hospitals, schools, universities, businesses, and almost all forms of shelter have been destroyed. The people have been …More
Although the entire world watches in horror as the Zionists slaughter tens of thousands of innocents, at least 15,000 children and babies (although it seems like they stopped counting long ago); Pope Francis remains staunchly impartial for fear of offending his Jewish masters. Hospitals, schools, universities, businesses, and almost all forms of shelter have been destroyed. The people have been without adequate food and clean water for months. Mass graves containing hundreds of Palestinian hospital patients, hospital workers, the elderly, children, with hands bound have recently been unearthed. Yet Pope Francis has nothing to say. Nothing.

He actually has the incredible nerve when asked directly about the slaughtered children of Gaza to bring up the Ukraine. The Israelis have murdered a minimum of 15,000 children in 6 months. And there are thousands more buried in the rubble, missing limbs, burned, crippled, and orphaned. 600 children have died in the Ukraine in two years and two months. Yet the Pope wants to pretend there is parity. He is comparing the deaths of 600 children to the deaths of more than 60,000 children. That is how many Palestinian children would die if the same pace were kept over the time the Ukraine war has lasted.

Are there any Catholics in the world who can fully process the total moral bankruptcy of this Pope? And in order to maintain his impeccable neutrality, he doesn't even actually mention the Islamic Palestinians, only the tiny number of Catholic Arabs that he "calls every day." Totally disgusting beyond belief. There are no words. There are no words. How long God. How long.
I agree with everything you said @spinmeister, except your labeling of Bergoglio as "Pope" Francis. He is no more a true and valid Pope than I am. When will the bishops do their duty and depose him? Cowards. all of them!