IT’S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSES to Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty.
I hope this article is correct and accurate. It might explain why Penny Mordaunt threw her toys out the pram this morning, warning MP's about how to deal with alleged 'conspiracy theories'. Anyway, keep praying and keep your guard up. I won't 100% believe Britain has pulled out of the WHO treaty until it becomes official. Apparently, …More
IT’S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSES to Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty.
I hope this article is correct and accurate. It might explain why Penny Mordaunt threw her toys out the pram this morning, warning MP's about how to deal with alleged 'conspiracy theories'. Anyway, keep praying and keep your guard up. I won't 100% believe Britain has pulled out of the WHO treaty until it becomes official. Apparently, Japan is also protesting about it. Hopefully many countries will reject the WHO's evil plan. But it also appears that the main reason not to sign the treaty is that we would have to give 20% of our 'pandemic products' to other countries. If this clause is removed, Britain may well yet capitulate.

Peter Sweden- IT'S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSES to Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty | The Gateway Pundit | by …

I recently reported on how in the latest draft of the WHO pandemic treaty, it was being watered down. …
English Catholic
Nigel Farage doesn't seem so confident we will get out of the WHO Pandemic Treaty: Farage warns UK faces big ‘loss of sovereignty’ virtually no one knows about
One more comment from English Catholic