The Hootenanny Mass By Father Richard Simon. Here is a very very insightful and humorous book on the Hootenanny Mass, which is good old US slang for what created the Neuvos Ordo mass and the the …More
The Hootenanny Mass By Father Richard Simon.

Here is a very very insightful and humorous book on the Hootenanny Mass, which is good old US slang for what created the Neuvos Ordo mass and the the subseqent abuses that happened.

It was written by a Father Richard Simon who is in Chicago and is on Relevant Radio on the Monday and Tuesday Editons of Go Ask Your Father.

Here is the website he is on: www.reverendknowitall.org
Elpidius . shares this
Also I would like to say, that the Hootenanny Mass is very very informative and insightful but I disagree with some of the assertion or suggestions made towards the end of the book. Also the books briefly dicusses Joe Kennedy and Irish Catholics from Boston and how they helped to form the Hootenanny Mass. I feel very strongly compelled to suggest to other readers to Research Joe Kennedy and the …More
Also I would like to say, that the Hootenanny Mass is very very informative and insightful but I disagree with some of the assertion or suggestions made towards the end of the book. Also the books briefly dicusses Joe Kennedy and Irish Catholics from Boston and how they helped to form the Hootenanny Mass. I feel very strongly compelled to suggest to other readers to Research Joe Kennedy and the profound and foundational influece he had on the American Movie Industry, also possible occult ties that he made out in Calfornia... Good book, but has a confusing suggestion for a solution to the troubles of our times..