Dr Mike Yeadon Former CSO & VP Allergy Respiratory Research Pfizer Global, 29th Oct 2020 Deaths from Respiratory Disease lowest for 5yrs Please can you put on main pageMore
Dr Mike Yeadon Former CSO & VP Allergy Respiratory Research Pfizer Global, 29th Oct 2020
Deaths from Respiratory Disease lowest for 5yrs
Please can you put on main page
Our Lady of Sorrows
This Video is now being taken down on various sites, please distribute whilst we have time!
Don't mind saying so, the man looks half-dead from respiratory disease himself. Horrible English climate...
That's such an irrelevant comment about a very important video!
The video is about respiratory disease deaths and the man discussing them looks as thouh he's dying of a respiratory disease. That's entirely relevant to the subject. Next time, check your handy Merriam-Webster before tossing around such criticism, kay? ;-)
Our Lady of Sorrows
NHS UK staff, please come out and tell the truth, save Humanity