Are you aware of the urgent turn of events regarding the UN’s Pandemic Treaty?

We're entering the final week of negotiations, and the stakes couldn't be higher.
The World Health Organization is pushing to increase its power over how nations handle health crises and your personal health decisions.
This pivotal moment threatens to redefine your liberties and impact …More
Are you aware of the urgent turn of events regarding the UN’s Pandemic Treaty?

We're entering the final week of negotiations, and the stakes couldn't be higher.
The World Health Organization is pushing to increase its power over how nations handle health crises and your personal health decisions.
This pivotal moment threatens to redefine your liberties and impact every facet of how you live, work, and make choices about your health and future.
Our global response has been powerful - the voices of people like you have slowed their progress, yet they're rallying, desperate to seal this treaty by May 27th.
They're even willing to accept a diluted version of the treaty, just to claim a 'win.' But make no mistake—any 'win' for them is a loss for us, stripping away our freedoms, layer by layer.
This week is the final week of their emergency meeting and your action has never been more necessary.
Thank you for standing with us in this crucial phase of this fight.
Sign the petition now to urge UK Ambassador Simon Morley to stand against the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

Block the UN's Last-Minute Pandemic Treaty Push!

Right now, the WHO's Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is engaged in an emergency session in Geneva, convened to expedite the ratification of the …
English Catholic
Today marks the final stand against the WHO Pandemic Treaty at the extraordinary tenth Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting.
You have one last chance to prevent a globalist takeover that could dictate your health decisions and curtail your freedoms. This treaty is poised to reshape all of our lives under the guise of public health security — we cannot stand …More
Today marks the final stand against the WHO Pandemic Treaty at the extraordinary tenth Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting.
You have one last chance to prevent a globalist takeover that could dictate your health decisions and curtail your freedoms. This treaty is poised to reshape all of our lives under the guise of public health security — we cannot stand idly by.
The outcome of today’s session will determine if you retain your rights or hand them over to unelected global elitists.
We must act now before the decisions are sealed and our voices are silenced. Every moment counts in this fight for our freedoms.
Urge UK Ambassador Simon Manley to stand for freedom and reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

Please share this petition with your family, friends, and contacts. Together, we must amplify our impact and protect our rights.
Thank you for your relentless support.
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO