Alleged Message From Heaven: ‘You Have Allowed the Usurper to Sit on the Chair of My Peter'More
Alleged Message From Heaven: ‘You Have Allowed the Usurper to Sit on the Chair of My Peter'
Pope Francis is the Usurper who will soon welcome the Antichrist in Rome.
This is an authentic message from God the Father !
Credo .
@Credo . TBH - The prophecies of Mystics like Marie Julie Jahenny, Blessed Anne Emmerich, Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of La Salette - those accepted by Bishops prior to Vatican II say similar things.
communityofhopeinc.org/Prayer Pages/Saints/marie julie.html
Catholic End Time Prophecies and Commentaries
Also the Bible says it stands a good chance of being true.....
1 John 4
1 Beloved, do …More
@Credo . TBH - The prophecies of Mystics like Marie Julie Jahenny, Blessed Anne Emmerich, Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of La Salette - those accepted by Bishops prior to Vatican II say similar things.

communityofhopeinc.org/Prayer Pages/Saints/marie julie.html

Catholic End Time Prophecies and Commentaries

Also the Bible says it stands a good chance of being true.....
1 John 4
1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you will know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,

"Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophesying, but test everything, holding fast to what is good."; (Thes. 5:19-21)
who has allowed ? The bishops ....
Who has allowed? Are we his boss?
It was foretold that Rome will be the seat of the anti-christ.
The counterfeit formal heretic bergoglio and his formal heretic accomplices should remember that they are not members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
According to the infallible magisterium, ALL Catholics including popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, laity who are formal heretics are ipso facto, ipso jure excommunicated …More
It was foretold that Rome will be the seat of the anti-christ.

The counterfeit formal heretic bergoglio and his formal heretic accomplices should remember that they are not members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

According to the infallible magisterium, ALL Catholics including popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, laity who are formal heretics are ipso facto, ipso jure excommunicated without the further need of the fact being declared because those who are formal heretics have already excommunicated themselves.

Although these ''alleged'' messages are not approved, and this remains for the TRUE CHURCH to establish, the messages are what we are absolutely experiencing, and they are powerful.
@FAITH HOPE CHARITY Exactly! I feel the same. I don't usually trust post Vatican II Mystics myself - but every word read out on that video was 100% truth.
The Lord was Holy, Compassionate, Tender, yet spoke of Justice and a need for repentance - and warned in advance of a necessity to brush the Priests aside if they continued to prove a stumbling stone to Him. It was an excellent revelation. He …More
@FAITH HOPE CHARITY Exactly! I feel the same. I don't usually trust post Vatican II Mystics myself - but every word read out on that video was 100% truth.
The Lord was Holy, Compassionate, Tender, yet spoke of Justice and a need for repentance - and warned in advance of a necessity to brush the Priests aside if they continued to prove a stumbling stone to Him. It was an excellent revelation. He spoke as He spoke through the Prophets of the Old Testament.
It was TRUE NOBLE, Sacrificial Love being expressed - not this sickly "Love everyone in their sins" falsification that we hear so much of in what remains of the Church today.