1979: Papa Giovanni Paolo II--uploaded by irapuato. by GiovanniPaoloII on Mar 14, 2011More
1979: Papa Giovanni Paolo II--uploaded by irapuato.
by GiovanniPaoloII on Mar 14, 2011
Viva il Beato Giovanni PaoloII 👏 👏 👏
Cosa pensare del fatto che nell’anno 2000, in visita in Israele sul monte delle beatitudini Woytjla si sia seduto su di un trono papale dotato di una macroscopica croce rovesciata ?
@Galatea: È vero...
è stato un grandissimo dono di Dio.
Viajes apostólicos de Juan Pablo II Aquí presentamos el resumen de los 104 viajes apostólicos fuera de Italia de Juan Pablo II durante sus 26 años de pontificado. El último fue realizado en agosto de 2004 al Santuario de Lourdes. A éstos hay que añadir los 146 efectuados en Italia, el último de ellos realizado el 5 de setiembre de 2004 al Santuario de Loreto.
1979 República Dominicana, MéxicoMore
Viajes apostólicos de Juan Pablo II Aquí presentamos el resumen de los 104 viajes apostólicos fuera de Italia de Juan Pablo II durante sus 26 años de pontificado. El último fue realizado en agosto de 2004 al Santuario de Lourdes. A éstos hay que añadir los 146 efectuados en Italia, el último de ellos realizado el 5 de setiembre de 2004 al Santuario de Loreto.
1979 República Dominicana, México, Bahamas Enero 1979 Polonia Junio 1979 Irlanda, Estados Unidos Septiembre 1979 Turquía Noviembre 1979
Pope John Paul II joins Facebook
Pope John Paul II joins Facebook
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Pope John Paul II's Travels in 1979
Apostolic Voyage 1
After receiving the Soviet Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko on January 24th, John Paul II then made his first Papal Visit abroad.
From January 25th to February 1st, Pope John Paul II visited Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic); Mexico City, Puebla, Cuilapan, Oaxaca, Guadalajara and Monterrey (Mexico) - for the Third General Conference of the …More
Pope John Paul II's Travels in 1979
Apostolic Voyage 1
After receiving the Soviet Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko on January 24th, John Paul II then made his first Papal Visit abroad.
From January 25th to February 1st, Pope John Paul II visited Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic); Mexico City, Puebla, Cuilapan, Oaxaca, Guadalajara and Monterrey (Mexico) - for the Third General Conference of the Latin American Bishops - and Nassau (The Bahamas).
Apostolic Voyage 2
From June 2nd to June 10th, Pope John Paul II made a Pastoral Visit to his homeland, Poland.
While there, the Pope visited Warsaw, Gniezno, Czestochowa, Kraków, Kalwaria, Zebrydowska, [hometown] Wadowice, Oswiecim-Brzezinka and Nowy Targ.
Apostolic Voyage 3
Pope John Paul's third voyage came in the Autumn of 1979.
From September 29th to Octocber 8th, the Pontiff visited Dublin, Drogheda, Clonmacnois, Galway, Knock, Maynooth, Limerick and Shannon in Ireland before flying on to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Des Moines, Chicago and Washington in the United States.
While on tour, The Pope made his first address to the General Assembly of the U.N., on October 2nd and became the first Pope to set foot in the White House; when he met with President Jimmy Carter, on October 6th.
Pope John Paul II in New York City:
Pope John Paul II gestured to the crowd at New York's Shea Stadium, on Oct. 3rd, 1979.
Apostolic Voyage 4
From November 28th-30th, Pope John Paul II visited Turkey, taking in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Ephesus.…/79-80.htm