Cardinal Gregory publicly pointed out that Biden embodies the phrase, "Cafeteria Catholic", especially with the life issues.
It's important that Bp. Gregory be clear and unapologetic if he is to be a shepherd to his flock.More
Cardinal Gregory publicly pointed out that Biden embodies the phrase, "Cafeteria Catholic", especially with the life issues.

It's important that Bp. Gregory be clear and unapologetic if he is to be a shepherd to his flock.

DC Archbishop calls Biden ‘cafeteria Catholic' who 'picks and chooses' parts of the faith

Washington D.C.’s Roman Catholic Archbishop Wilton Cardinal Gregory called the president a "cafeteria Catholic …
Father Karl A Claver
Way too little, way too late.
Well from the highly edited clip - the Cardinal said many correct things, so it was good to hear. It would be better if he'd call out Biden in his role as local ordinary bishop and tell him not to approach Holy Communion until he has repented of his obstinate dissent from Catholic doctrine like the archbishop of San Francisco did in the case of Pelosi.