
#IMPERIVM ROMANVM : α☧ω 🦅🦅 #ββββ : βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων

#IMPERIVM ROMANVM : α☧ω 🦅🦅 #ββββ : βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων #IMPERIVM ROMANVM : α☧ω 🦅🦅 #ββββ : βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων …More
#IMPERIVM ROMANVM : α☧ω 🦅🦅 #ββββ : βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων
#IMPERIVM ROMANVM : α☧ω 🦅🦅 #ββββ : βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων
This Roman Imperial standard-flag is based on the tetragrammic cross emblem/flag of the Byzantine Palaiologos dynasty, with the difference that in Serbian use the cross is usually white on a red background, rather than gold on a red background (though it can be depicted in gold as well). It is composed of a cross symbol with four "fire striker" shapes, originally four Greek letters beta (Β). The so called ‘ocila' in Serbian or ‘fire strikers' in English are the initials (letters β) of the imperial motto of the Palaiologos dynasty: King of Kings, Ruling Over Kings. In Greek it goes like this: βασιλεὺς βασιλέων, βασιλεύων βασιλευόντων; (Basileus Basileōn, Basileuōn Basileuontōn)
The emblem mostly associated with the Roman Empire in the East (Byzantine) is the double-headed eagle. It is not of Byzantine invention …More