Two Catholics – Francis Miffed No difference. The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced the members of her cabinet on Tuesday. However, cartoonist Bob Moran sees Truss as just another puppet …More
Two Catholics – Francis Miffed
No difference
. The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced the members of her cabinet on Tuesday. However, cartoonist Bob Moran sees Truss as just another puppet, presenting her as Justindazimir Trussdeaudernenskyy with the English plural pronouns They/Them. Truss, he says, is prime minister of Makes No Difference.
Joie de vivre. The new British government includes two Catholics. Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister is the little-known Thérèse Coffey. She is unmarried, has a doctorate in chemistry and used to work as an accountant for the British Broadcasting Corporation. The oligarch press calls her loyal and a meticulous manager without ideological passion. She is supposed to patch up the NHS, the ailing British health system. Coffey has a sympathetic human side. She likes to drink alcohol and smokes. During one of her first television appearances as Deputy Prime Minister at 8.00 a.m., her telephone alarm clock rang. She has set an American …More
atreverse pensar
So what use are we to these Catholics? This looks like "private Catholicism", but that is not being Catholic.