Pope Francis - Man Against God's Word. False Prophet Pope Francis, the Rockstar Rebel of God, stars in a feature film all about himself. The propagandistic movie trailer is here contrasted with the …More
Pope Francis - Man Against God's Word.
False Prophet Pope Francis, the Rockstar Rebel of God, stars in a feature film all about himself. The propagandistic movie trailer is here contrasted with the Holy Word of God. On March 13, 2013 Jorge Bergoglio became Pope Francis I of the Catholic Church. Since then he has become a mass phenomena: a living legend, an icon, a fashion guru, a saint, a man of change, an innovator, a revolution, a savior of the world. Pope Francis, the media darling, is the man of the poor, the last, the unfortunate, the forgotten, the suffering, the sinner, the atheist. We must celebrate his personal success and triumph. His ways, his goodness, his vision, his desires, his plans, his freedom and his decisions. The change has come at last: the old, dark, unfair, rich, intolerant, immobile, close-minded, corrupt, and pedophile-filled Catholic Church is ready for a renewal and we all must love it; the Catholics, the Protestants, the atheists, the LGBT folks, the good, …More
People, is Francis really "The Pope"? ....'nuf said!