USA: Francis Names Only McCarricks Accomplices as Cardinals Accomplices. The selection of the cardinals appointed by Francis on Sunday shows a further politicisation of the College of Cardinals, and …More
USA: Francis Names Only McCarricks Accomplices as Cardinals
The selection of the cardinals appointed by Francis on Sunday shows a further politicisation of the College of Cardinals, and the appointment of the San Diego homosexualist McElroy has shaken the Church. Crisis magazine's editor-in-chief Eric Sammons notes a similarity between the five US cardinals appointed by Francis - Cupich, Farrell, Tobin, Gregory and now McElroy. They are all accomplices of disgraced Cardinal McCarrick.
Yet God Has Forbidden Homosex
McElroy himself told AmericaMagazine on Tuesday that the synodical process should not exclude certain positions just because they go against a very long-standing discipline or teaching of the Church. As examples, he cited the Synod on the Family, which promoted remarriage after divorce. He also said that the Youth Synod had found that the Church's position - meaning divine revelation - on homosexuality was perceived as outlandish.
Also, the Catholics …More
atreverse pensar
This means that he has punished McCarrick only in an apparent way.
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Gloria.TV News
Alarm: Church Is Falling Apart as A Sacramental Institution Alarm: The sacramental nature of the Church is in danger, said the Munich liturgist Father Winfried Haunerland to the Herder Korrespondenz …More
Alarm: Church Is Falling Apart as A Sacramental Institution
The sacramental nature of the Church is in danger, said the Munich liturgist Father Winfried Haunerland to the Herder Korrespondenz in June. Haunerland is a priest of Essen Diocese, the diocese that in March for the first time in Germany appointed women as ministers of baptism. Haunerland's article also appeared - as a fig leaf - on This site, run by the German bishops, is an extremist mouthpiece for women's ordination and homosexualism.
Exceptions Become the Rule. Haunerland criticises the fact that so-called exceptions - for example, the administration of baptism by lay people - are becoming more frequent. But if such phenomena become the norm, the awareness dwindles, that bishops, priests, and deacons are the ordinary ministers of baptism. The fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders belongs only to bishops, Haunerland explains, however, priests do not act on the basis of an episcopal mandate, but on …More
Your site has been hacked, you can't read it.
been observable by the ordinary Faithful for many, many years...........
Gloria.TV News
A Must: The Twelve Points of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán The legendary Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán presented in a May 19 keynote lecture at the Conservative Political Action Conference in …More
A Must: The Twelve Points of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
The legendary Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán presented in a May 19 keynote lecture at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Budapest, a 12-point recipe that Christian conservatives around the world should consider if they are shooting for success.
The First Point: We can only rise to victory if we do not accept the solutions and directions put forward by others. That is why we must not be discouraged by being shouted at or by being treated as troublemakers abroad. In fact, it is suspicious if none of this happens. Orbán insisted that anyone playing by the rules of his opponents will certainly lose.
The Second Point: We must implement national conservatism in domestic policy. Therefore, Churches and families must be supported because they are the building blocks of a nation.
The Third Point: Keep national interest at the centre of foreign policy. Our response should be a clear antithesis to the progressivism. We …More
Worse Than You Think: The Decadence of the German Church – A Sample Incense: Andreas Sturm, a homosexualist and ex-vicar general of Speyer Diocese is leaving the priesthood, he announced last week. He …More
Worse Than You Think: The Decadence of the German Church – A Sample
Andreas Sturm, a homosexualist and ex-vicar general of Speyer Diocese is leaving the priesthood, he announced last week. He will become an Old Catholic. On Tuesday, the 47-year-old gave excuses for this in the "Mannheimer Morgen": abuse, female priesthood, sexual immorality, homosexuality, and celibacy. Sturm admitted that he has broken celibacy. In his life there have been "relationships" - in the plural. Presently, he is single, but he can imagine living in "relationships"- again in the plural. His appreciation for the liturgy made him become an Old Catholic and not a Protestant. Sturm doesn't need a lot of incense, but every now and then he likes it. So, at least in that respect, he is - quote - "very Catholic."
Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Speyer Diocese published a tearful hymn of gratitude for Sturm. The board of the Diocesan Assembly said they were “shocked.” The Federation of Catholic Youth in Speyer …More
Great treatment of a very sad man who has no doubt led many of his sheep astray. Dear God have mercy on us!
Gloria.TV News
Francis Engulfed in Problems, Talk About Successors Tantrums. Francis has never had to deal with so much adversity as in 2022, writes Jean-Marie Guénois on Francis is deaf to criticism, …More
Francis Engulfed in Problems, Talk About Successors
Francis has never had to deal with so much adversity as in 2022, writes Jean-Marie Guénois on Francis is deaf to criticism, Guénois says. Everyone, even Francis’ supporters, experience not a friendly but a tense climate in the Vatican. Francis divides and terrorises. His authoritarian style and his tantrums are omnipresent in the Vatican. A veteran Italian observer spoke to Figaro of a Latin American confusion that is incomprehensible to European minds.
Health. Rumours are circulating in the Vatican about Francis' health. The pain in his knee is unbearable. He finds the wheelchair humiliating but can hardly move his right leg. The consequences of his July 2021 bowel surgery are not known. However, Francis has been able to fulfil almost all of his obligations since then, including three trips abroad.
Diplomatic Failure. During the Ukraine war, Francis has spoiled things with all sides. He blamed Nato for barking at …More
la verdad prevalece
“Questioned, deaf to criticism...” -- A Tense "End of Reign" Climate in Francis' Vatican A French Vatican observer ponders the ‘end of the regime’ :…More
“Questioned, deaf to criticism...” -- A Tense "End of Reign" Climate in Francis' Vatican
A French Vatican observer ponders the ‘end of the regime’ : "And while he admonishes others to show mercy, to reach out and “accompany” those who disagree, Pope Francis shows no such patience traditionalist Catholics. When a group of thirty French women, mothers of traditionalist priests, walked to Rome, covering nearly 1,000 miles, to attend a papal audience and plead for the continued use of the Latin liturgy, the Pope allowed just one of them to speak with him, for one minute.
after listening these bad news,We catholics can only Trully trust Jesus our Lord and Saviour
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Gloria.TV News
Novus Ordo: Priest Who Witnessed Murder in His House Has Died A Left-Wing Nationalist. Father Jaume Reixach Felipe, a priest of Girona Diocese, Spain, died on Saturday 7 May at the age of 82, at a …More
Novus Ordo: Priest Who Witnessed Murder in His House Has Died
A Left-Wing Nationalist.
Father Jaume Reixach Felipe, a priest of Girona Diocese, Spain, died on Saturday 7 May at the age of 82, at a residence for priests in Girona. He was living in retirement since 2014. Girona is a city in northern Catalonia, and Reixach was a famous left-wing nationalist who fought for Catalonia’s independence from Spain.
Media’s Darling. Reixach formed a trio of friendship with two other priests, Father Francesc Romeu from Barcelona, a permanent guest on TV for discussions on ecclesiastical topics who once “blessed” two lesbians before TV cameras, and Piarist Father Enric Canet, another nationalist. The trio was also infamous for defending homosexual groups, and even wrote a book about this topic. Not without self-interest.
The Murder. Reixach had the habit of traveling to exotic countries, from where he brought young male adults, whom he called "godchildren." They would stay at his private home in …More
The Church is infested with sodomy.
May God have mercy on his soul; and on the souls of fornicators and wicked men of God who must bring the souls entrusted to their care to salvation. …More
May God have mercy on his soul; and on the souls of fornicators and wicked men of God who must bring the souls entrusted to their care to salvation. Sins of the flesh crying out to heaven for vengeance!
Riots: These People Get Away With Everything Church desecrators. On Sunday, all hell broke loose in the USA, especially outside churches. The occasion was the illegal leak of a Supreme Court decision …More
Riots: These People Get Away With Everything
Church desecrators.
On Sunday, all hell broke loose in the USA, especially outside churches. The occasion was the illegal leak of a Supreme Court decision that a 5 to 4 majority of justices want to reverse the murderous Roe versus Wade abortion court decision. Abortion activists rampaged out to disrupt church services and desecrate churches. If pro-lifers had behaved like this, the oligarch media would have gone berserk, and the regime would have used the army against them.
Possessed. New York's St Patrick's Cathedral was defended by a ring of young men praying the Rosary. This infuriated the enemies of children. A pro-abortion fanatic ran up and down in front of the prayers in a swimming costume, screaming and holding a doll in front of them. Questions were raised on Twitter as to whether the fanatic was possessed, mentally ill or both. The consensus was that she represented the ugly face of the abortion movement.
Agitators. Masked militants …More
Pedro Erik Carneiro shares this
Catholic Church in Fort Collins (with the appropriate color of blood)
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Pope: Altar and Tabernacle Should Not Be Separated Who Is Greater? Talking to the participants of the International Congress of Pastoral Liturgy in the Vatican’s Hall of Blessings on Saturday 22 …More
Pope: Altar and Tabernacle Should Not Be Separated
Who Is Greater?
Talking to the participants of the International Congress of Pastoral Liturgy in the Vatican’s Hall of Blessings on Saturday 22 September 1956, Pope Pius XII explained the difference between the altar and the tabernacle. He asked the question, “Is the tabernacle in which the Lord, who came down to His people, dwells greater than the altar and the sacrifice?”
The Altar Is Superior. Pius XII explained that the altar is superior to the tabernacle because the sacrifice of the Lord is offered there. The Lord offers Himself as a sacrifice only on the altar during Mass, but not after or outside Mass. He is present in the tabernacle without offering Himself permanently. Pius XII makes the distinction between the offering of the sacrifice of the Mass and the adoration offered to the God-Man concealed in the Eucharist.
Unity. Pius XII strongly insists on the unity between altar and tabernacle. Quote, “One and the same Lord is …More
Notice Pope Pius stresses the altar as the location of SACRIFICE, not the notion of "table of the Lord" where one partakes in a meal (albeit a sacred …More
Notice Pope Pius stresses the altar as the location of SACRIFICE, not the notion of "table of the Lord" where one partakes in a meal (albeit a sacred one). It is this favoring of the Protestant idea of Eucharist as meal, not sacrifice that has let many modernist liturgists to banish the tabernacle from the sanctuary. I suspect this is the rationale behind the animus toward the traditional Latin Mass as well.
atreverse pensar
In the Tabernacle is the same God who offered Himself as Sacrifice on the Altar.
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Saintly Women Who Reproached Popes Yes, Women! Despite the prejudice that the pope’s authority is absolute, and the role of women non-existent in the Church, there have been women, yes, especially …More
Saintly Women Who Reproached Popes
Yes, Women!
Despite the prejudice that the pope’s authority is absolute, and the role of women non-existent in the Church, there have been women, yes, especially women, who corrected popes throughout Church history, Francesco Agnoli writes on Il Settimanale di Padre Pio.
Head of Church Is Sick. St Elizabeth of Schönau who died in 1164, wrote in her Liber viarum Dei: "The head of the Church is sick, and its members are dead for the Apostolic See is dominated by pride and characterised by avarice. It is full of wickedness and sin and scandalises my sheep and leads them into error, instead of guiding them rightly.” Some decades later, Saint Lutgard of Tongres, another nun, who died in 1248 publicly reported that Innocent III, certainly a good pope, would serve his sins in Purgatory until Judgement Day.
Full of Filth and Greed. Another strong woman was Saint Catherine of Siena who died in 1380. She wrote several letters to popes, in particular to Gregory …More
"Despite the prejudice that the pope’s authority is absolute, and the role of women non-existent in the Church..."
Off topic but I was viewing early Gloria.TV video of This young Lady and another singing Latin Religious Music. What a journey.. Great Job Ladies and …More
Off topic but I was viewing early Gloria.TV video of This young Lady and another singing Latin Religious Music. What a journey..
Great Job Ladies and too Gloria.TV
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Gloria.TV News
Ignored Cardinal: Why Does the West Want to Destroy Itself? Hell. Jerry D. Salyer, a veteran of the US Navy who is now an educator and freelanced writer, wrote on about Cardinal …More
Ignored Cardinal: Why Does the West Want to Destroy Itself?
Jerry D. Salyer, a veteran of the US Navy who is now an educator and freelanced writer, wrote on about Cardinal Sarah’s ignored views on Russia and the West. He recalls that Archbishop Viganò is not the only churchman who has been looking East to remedy “the errors of the West.” Salyer quotes from Sarah’s 2019 book The Day Is Now Far Spent in which he condemns finance capitalism and globalization. Quote: “Globalized humanity, without borders, is a hell.”
Provocation. This is what Sarah says about Russia. Quote, “In Russia, the Orthodox Church has to a great extent resumed its pre-1917 role as the moral foundation of society. This arouses political opposition, but also a deep hatred on the part of the post-Christian elites of the West, not only vis-à-vis Russia, but also against the Russian Church and, by extension, against Orthodoxy itself. The overtly political attack that aims to pit Ukraine against …More
The west is drunk with the globalism secularism poisoned KOOL AID
atreverse pensar
Someone wants to destroy the West. To that end, they control the media, and therefore the politicians. But people do not think, nor do they have any …More
Someone wants to destroy the West.
To that end, they control the media, and therefore the politicians.
But people do not think, nor do they have any judgement. So they fall prey to this project.
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Gloria.TV News
Great Sadness at the Death of Victoria Mary Thorn Great sadness. Catholic pro-life heroine Victoria Thorn, foundress of Project Rachel, which offers healing to abortion mothers, died unexpectedly in …More
Great Sadness at the Death of Victoria Mary Thorn
Great sadness.
Catholic pro-life heroine Victoria Thorn, foundress of Project Rachel, which offers healing to abortion mothers, died unexpectedly in the Easter Octave at the age of 72. She is survived by her husband William, six children and 17 grandchildren. Not only pro-life organisations are mourning. Even the "Pontifical Academy for Life", which Francis turned into its opposite, cannot help but thank Thorn for her life witness. Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki for whose diocese Thorn worked and where she lived, said that Thorn created Rachel single-handedly and from nothing. Pro-Life Wisconsin wrote that Rachel has led more mothers to healing after abortion than anyone else on this earth.
How it all began
The beginning.
When Victoria Thorn was a teenager, a close friend of hers told her she had been pregnant and had an abortion at her mother's instigation. Thorn tried as hard as she could to help her friend, who was suffering …More
Rest in peace dear Victoria
That was such a beautiful and moving tribute. Thank you so very much. Also the information about the effects of chemical contraceptives on sexual behavior …More
That was such a beautiful and moving tribute. Thank you so very much. Also the information about the effects of chemical contraceptives on sexual behavior among male monkeys is telling!
Viganò: Vatican II Was the Cancer, Francis Is the Metastasis Who Decides? The pandemic farce and the Ukrainian war show that many are less and less convinced of the narrative of the oligarchs’ media,…More
Viganò: Vatican II Was the Cancer, Francis Is the Metastasis
Who Decides?
The pandemic farce and the Ukrainian war show that many are less and less convinced of the narrative of the oligarchs’ media, Archbishop Viganò told Aldo Maria Valli in an April 3 interview. There is a split between the rulers and the citizens. Viganò insists that the citizens must oppose the dictatorship before they are deprived of more fundamental rights. Our numerical inferiority and our lack of means will provide an opportunity for the Lord to show the truth of His words: Without me you can do nothing. (Jn. 15:5), Viganò explains.
Mass Manipulation. Viganò recalls that during the pandemic farce all the principles of mass manipulation were implemented with great success. The masses were sedated by social psychologists and therefore are little inclined to mobilize for action. The bishops played along. Therefore, responsibility for the acceptance of the psycho-pandemic and the injection campaign rests also with …More
Sedevakantistický kanál
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A Pioneer – They Called Him King Consecration. published for the first time an interview with Holy Ghost Father Reginald De Four, an apostle of the Roman Liturgy who died in November …More
A Pioneer – They Called Him King
Consecration. published for the first time an interview with Holy Ghost Father Reginald De Four, an apostle of the Roman Liturgy who died in November 2021 in San Diego at the age of 87. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, his mother had seven other children, but his eldest brother died at the age of six months from dysentery. At eight months, Reginald showed the same symptoms – severe vomiting. His mother turned to Our Lady promising he that she would consecrate Reginald to her if the baby would survive. Only when he was 15, she told him this.
No Show. Ordained in 1964, De Four always remained faithful to the Roman Rite. Quote, “It was out of the question for me to throw it away.” He was shocked that the millennium old Roman Rite was forbidden and replaced by ceremonies that were often shocking. He explains that in the Roman Rite the priest turns to the altar because the Mass is not a show, and the priest is not an entertainer. He stresses …More
So father's suggestions are basically: "live like an actual Catholic" - excellent advice for anyone and not only those seeking a priestly/religious …More
So father's suggestions are basically: "live like an actual Catholic" - excellent advice for anyone and not only those seeking a priestly/religious vocation 😇
Former Franciscan, Communist Murderer Has Died A Priest. Silvano Girotto, a former friar, who was known as Father Leone or Brother Machine Gun, died March 31. He was 82 years old. Girotto was the son …More
Former Franciscan, Communist Murderer Has Died
A Priest.
Silvano Girotto, a former friar, who was known as Father Leone or Brother Machine Gun, died March 31. He was 82 years old. Girotto was the son of a high-ranking Italian policeman. The family was very Catholic. At age 16, he joined the French Foreign Legion, was sent to Algeria to the bloody French war against the National Liberation Front. He deserted after three months, when he saw how France tortured captured Algerian fighters. Back in Italy, he got involved in a gang, was imprisoned for five years, discovered his vocation in prison, entered the Franciscan Order as Father Leone and was ordained a priest in 1969.
A Communist. During his so-called pastoral activity, Father Leone got involved in Communist propaganda, and joined the Communist Party. The Bishop of Novara forbade him to preach. He became a missionary in Bolivia where he joined the armed resistance against a military coup wanting to oust the left-wing Juan José Torres …More
Why Westerners Move to Russia Krasnovo. Christian families from America, Brazil, and Denmark are relocating to rural Russian villages a few hours north of Moscow, Russian Spas.TV reported. One example …More
Why Westerners Move to Russia
Christian families from America, Brazil, and Denmark are relocating to rural Russian villages a few hours north of Moscow, Russian Spas.TV reported. One example is Krasnovo with Holy Theophany Church, built in 1870. The church has an American priest, Father Joseph Gleason. He has friends joining him. They fly from America, Denmark, and other countries. The services in the Holy Theophany last longer than usual because the scripture readings and some of the hymns are duplicated in English.
Moving to Russia. Five years ago, Father Gleason moved with his wife and their eight children from America to Russia. Before he became Orthodox, he was an Anglican deacon. The first year in Russia was difficult because, after arriving here, Gleason was diagnosed with cancer. He was treated in Moscow and overcame it. Soon, life got better. He explains that you do not have a real home until there is a church, the faith, and fellow believers near you.
West Is No Place …More
Being a Slovak/Polish-American, I am a Slavophile and can understand the appeal of moving to a more traditional society, but modern Russia while not as …More
Being a Slovak/Polish-American, I am a Slavophile and can understand the appeal of moving to a more traditional society, but modern Russia while not as godless as the old Soviet Union, is still far from being "Holy Mother Russia" of Dostoevsky.
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Liturgical Abuses: Francis Needs to Stop Father Gerald Murray has discussed Francis’ liturgical abuses during a March 12 Eucharist in the Church of the Gesù in Rome on the occasion of the 400th …More
Liturgical Abuses: Francis Needs to Stop
Father Gerald Murray
has discussed Francis’ liturgical abuses during a March 12 Eucharist in the Church of the Gesù in Rome on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the canonisations of Ignatius Loyola, presided by Father Arturo Sosa, the Jesuits’ Superior General.
Number 1: Sosa presided while Francis co-presided the Eucharist although the liturgy does not permit a bishop to co-preside a Eucharist with a presiding priest. Murray explains that this flows from the nature of the episcopal office. The bishop is the high priest in his diocese. His priests are co-workers who serve in his absence, not in his presence.
Number 2: During the entrance, Francis was already seated near the altar. He wore no liturgical vestments and gave no indication that he was co-presiding. He preached without wearing the liturgical garments that are prescribed for a preacher.
Number 3: Francis participated in the consecration without wearing liturgical vestments. The …More
Clifton Webb
The “anything goes” attitude was one of the rotten fruits from Vatican II. Other rotten Fruits were the sodomite men ordained as priests and elevated …More
The “anything goes” attitude was one of the rotten fruits from Vatican II. Other rotten Fruits were the sodomite men ordained as priests and elevated to the bishopric. They relish every cringe worthy moment the dishonor the liturgy.
I cringe whenever I hear the name Francis.🤮
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Gloria.TV News
An Orthodox View About Francis’ Consecration of Russia Some Sense. Stephen Karganovic, a Serb American lawyer in Chicago who simply identifies as an Orthodox Christian, commented on Francis’ March 25…More
An Orthodox View About Francis’ Consecration of Russia
Some Sense.
Stephen Karganovic, a Serb American lawyer in Chicago who simply identifies as an Orthodox Christian, commented on Francis’ March 25 Consecration of Russia. He admits that this would have made some sense in 1917 when Our Lady called for the consecration of Russia because the Bolshevik revolution was in its initial stages and a Communist victory would spread– quote - “the errors of Russia.”
Nothing. Our Lady was concerned with a future Communist and atheist Russia which formed the Communist International for the purpose of spreading the Bolshevik errors throughout the world. Karganovic stresses that this dramatic threat ought immediately to have triggered the requested consecration – quote – “if the Vatican had seriously believed in the authenticity of Fatima.” But nothing happened.
Accommodation. On the contrary, during most of the 1920s, the Vatican tried to accommodate with the Soviet regime that Our Lady had warned …More
atreverse pensar
"On the contrary, during most of the 1920s, the Vatican tried to accommodate with the Soviet regime that Our Lady had warned against." The rest is …More
"On the contrary, during most of the 1920s, the Vatican tried to accommodate with the Soviet regime that Our Lady had warned against."
The rest is generally correct, but this is not.
Pius XI condemns atheistic communism. The Church maintained contact with persecuted Catholic priests in Russia. Pius XI and Pius XII saw Bolshevik Russia as very bad regimes.
God please have mercy on us and accept the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the immaculate Heart of Mary,done today , even it is not exactly the …More
God please have mercy on us and accept the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the immaculate Heart of Mary,done today , even it is not exactly the way our Lady requested, for the sake of humanity ,and for peace in the world .
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Francis Effect: 13 (!) Polish Priests switched to PiusX 13 religious or diocesan priests have joined the Polish District of the Society of St. Pius X since 2019, Father Karl Stehlin, the local district …More
Francis Effect: 13 (!) Polish Priests switched to PiusX
13 religious or diocesan priests
have joined the Polish District of the Society of St. Pius X since 2019, Father Karl Stehlin, the local district superior, told Catholic Family News. German-born Stehlin was ordained a priest in 1988 and served in Gabon, Africa until 1994. He then began the Polish apostolate together with a second priest. After three decades, four priories with 32 Mass sites were established. After 20 years, Stehlin was sent to the Asian missions as superior for four years before returning to Poland.
A Dominican. One of the 13 priests who joined PiusX is Dominican Father Wojciech Gołaski. He has known Stehlin for several years. They engaged in some "friendly arguments". Gołaski has been a priest for 28 years, celebrated the Old Dominican Mass but was a critic of PiusX. On 16 July, just an hour after the publication of Traditionis custodes, Gołaski's superior knocked at his door saying, "Now the Old Mass is finished …More
I go to Pius X myself ever since Francis was made pope.
Sadly a sample of the litany of sorrows the Church has suffered and continues to suffer.
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Gloria.TV News
The Last Lay Cardinal The Last Lay Cardinal. On March 15, the day recurs when in 1858, the unmarried layman Theodulf Mertel was made the last lay cardinal in Church history. Against his express will,…More
The Last Lay Cardinal
The Last Lay Cardinal.
On March 15, the day recurs when in 1858, the unmarried layman Theodulf Mertel was made the last lay cardinal in Church history. Against his express will, Pius IX made the appointment together with six other candidates. However, Mertel was a lay cardinal only for two months. He asked to be ordained a subdeacon so that he would belong to the clergy but, out of modesty, he refused the ordination to the priesthood. On 16 May, the Pope himself finally ordained him a deacon.
Latin Letters. Mertel was born in 1806 in Allumiere near Rome. His father, Isidor Mörtl was a baker from Eglfing in Bavaria. His Maria Franziska née Lunadei, hailed from a well to do local family. Isidor Mörtl emigrated to Allumiere because it was a papal mining settlement where Alunite was mined. Throughout his life, Mertel kept in touch with his father's Bavarian homeland. He wrote Latin letters to the local Father Sauter of Eglfing and was annoyed that Sauter answered his …More
Blessed Pope Pius IX pray for us. AmenMore
Blessed Pope Pius IX
pray for us. Amen
Ukraine: Viganò Turns into a Prophet Extremely well informed. Archbishop Viganò has written an extremely well-informed March 7 letter about the Ukraine conflict, a text, everybody should read. He warns …More
Ukraine: Viganò Turns into a Prophet
Extremely well informed.
Archbishop Viganò has written an extremely well-informed March 7 letter about the Ukraine conflict, a text, everybody should read. He warns of the “gross falsifications” of the Western oligarch media, and stresses that the Biden regime deliberately wants to make a peaceful resolution impossible. Instead, Biden has been setting up missile bases just a few kilometres from the Russian border.
New World Order. Viganò presents statements from George Soros who admitted that he played a decisive role in the Maidan putsch in Ukraine which brought the present anti-Russian regime in Kiev to power who integrated neo-Nazi forces into its military. Viganò explains that the Ukrainians are a victim of the same global coup d'état being carried out by powers that intend, not peace but the establishment of the tyranny of the New World Order. He quotes the Ukrainian parliamentarian Kira Rudik who told Fox News, while holding a kalashnikov: “We …More
Vigano (or an author under his authority) accuses the Ukrainians of slaughtering hundreds of thousands, where the actual figure is 13,000, which was …More
Vigano (or an author under his authority) accuses the Ukrainians of slaughtering hundreds of thousands, where the actual figure is 13,000, which was overwhelmingly militamen of both sides, while he calls Moscow the prophesised Third Rome. That's schismatic and nearly heretical. Basically it's Duginist ravings, that Alexander Dugin would be ashamed of issuing as it is too bellicose. Putin's army is performed very poorly against nearly improvised Ukrainian opposition who have mainly the remainders of European matériel.
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In a letter to Perugia Cardinal Bassetti, Kiev’s Greek Catholic Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk writes that in the conflict between Ukraine and …More
In a letter to Perugia Cardinal Bassetti, Kiev’s Greek Catholic Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk writes that in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia " Ukraine defends European values at the price of its children's blood."
Shevchuk calls the present conflict “a real attack on Europe, on security, on the future of the entire European continent."
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