
Archbishop: Homosexuality Stinks

l was out for over 10 years, lapsed Mick, but always loved my Jesus. I wanted, but it was too far away. Many relapses for years, but now I have CHASTITY, love my Bishop, & the Sacraments. What a miracle!

Propaganda Gay. Propaganda Gay «Notoriamente a favor de la homosexualidad el cardenal de Viena Christoph …

Fortunately we will not re-enact ecclesial bodies like the Methodists, who met every 2- 4 years or so for their vote on homosexuality over and over over the years until the time had come for an approval of a "yes" vote for h. coupling.
God is truly alive and well in the Church!

The Vatican Honors a Homosexual

We who are quick to judge,, what with the headline and all, sounds like its coming from Pewsitter, but we who are quickk to judge do not let their minds and hearts do some validating of the Trurh as we know it so far.
We know Francis is asking us to not be hasty to judge. To acquit either.
In the beginning, when I practiced the black art of same-sex attraction, I was a boy without a Shepherd, w/o …More
We who are quick to judge,, what with the headline and all, sounds like its coming from Pewsitter, but we who are quickk to judge do not let their minds and hearts do some validating of the Trurh as we know it so far.
We know Francis is asking us to not be hasty to judge. To acquit either.

In the beginning, when I practiced the black art of same-sex attraction, I was a boy without a Shepherd, w/o a teacher & leader. Need I hint any more?
At 16 I'm sure in prayer the church is asking God for his soul before it becomes very much MORE polluted with darkness.
Let us pray & hope for his blessing and not a curse, folks. Give him a few years to learn the ropes of our Truth, BEAUTY and MERCY?
After all, My Lord in whom I prayed to for many years of bondage did finally rescue me at age 60. Blessed be his name. I repent daily for my forgiven sins in others.
John francis

[editor: make changes as you wish; just publish this please!]

The Spirit Of The World (9-27-2013)

😡 Crush the Spirit of the World.

Credo. Gregorian chant

O, Dear Lord how I love to hear the melody of this Credo. I should be learning it for our Latin Mass at the Cathedral, as I only know bits & pieces.
Love to ya!

Saint John of the Cross Dec 14--uploaded by irapuato

I'm finally able in maturity to understand St. John of the Cross! What a grace. God bless! 😜

St John Fisher. 22 June is the feast of Ss John Fisher & Thomas More. This cardinal and bishop of …

So eager I am to learn our Faith through holymen & women, especially in Europe!

When its all been said and done, the Catholic Martyrs, Mary's Dowry

A previewing of the film. I'm interested. The background music is beautifully sung. 👏

Bl. Francis Seelos C.Ss.R. 11. Januar 1819- 4. October 1867

Remarkable telling of a heroic holyman Redemptorist for the American Church. May his virtue bless us all! ✍️

Saint Bede the Venerable-May 25 breski1 May 25, 2010 (672?-735)Bede is one of the few saints honored …

Instructive short narration. An important holyman, Doctor of the Church!

Saint John of the Cross Dec 14--uploaded by irapuato

I'm finally able to read him with a better understanding of what we do with the love of God in our hearts! May you find a free download of 2 of his books on Amazon/Kindle/free books!