
Slammed to the ground by police, then arrested all because he wore rosary…/rutherford_inst… Rutherford Institute Defends 8th Grader Body Slammed & Arrested by Police for Wearing Rosary Beads to School Football Game in Memory of Dead Brother December 04…Mehr…/rutherford_inst…
Rutherford Institute Defends 8th Grader Body Slammed & Arrested by Police for Wearing Rosary Beads to School Football Game in Memory of Dead Brother
December 04, 2014
Institute Attorneys Call on School Officials to Rescind Rosary Policy & Urge Police Not to Prosecute Student
AMARILLO, Texas — The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of an eighth grader at Sam Houston Middle School (SHMS) who was allegedly slammed to the ground by police, lain on until he was left gasping for air, then arrested and held in a detention center overnight—all because he wore rosary beads in memory of his deceased brother to a school football game.
In challenging school officials and police over their treatment of Jacob Herrera, who had to be taken to a hospital as a result of the injuries inflicted by the arresting officer, The Rutherford Institute is asking the superintendent of the Amarillo Independent School District (AISD) to rectify the situation by rescinding …Mehr
An das Kirchenvolk der Diözese Freiburg. Wenn Sie jeden Sonntag und nicht nur einmal im Monat den AO-Ritus mitfeiern wollen, dann fahren Sie doch zu unseren Nachbarn, wo die Tridentinische Messe als …Mehr
An das Kirchenvolk der Diözese Freiburg.
Wenn Sie jeden Sonntag und nicht nur einmal im Monat den AO-Ritus mitfeiern wollen, dann fahren Sie doch zu unseren Nachbarn, wo die Tridentinische Messe als was ganz Normales betrachtet wird.
Carlus teilt das
27. Liturgie & Gebetsleben der Kirche. Sammlung von katholischen Gebeten und Liturgievorgaben.Mehr
27. Liturgie & Gebetsleben der Kirche.
Sammlung von katholischen Gebeten und Liturgievorgaben.
wie wohltuend,Herr Strassburger!
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