
Only For Roman Mass: Catholics Kneel In The Drizzle

We're having these Masses with authorization from the Bishop. That's why we're using this small chapel, by the way; the Bishop appointed that chapel, and no other church, as the place where we could have our TLMs. The Bishop expelled the Institute of the Good Shepherd but allowed us to keep our masses with diocesan priests... at least for now.

Only For Roman Mass: Catholics Kneel In The Drizzle

There are many large churches in Curitiba, but the one appointed by the Bishop to have TLM is this one, which was in ruins for decades but was restored some years ago and was vacant.
Our bishop is not very fond of TLM, to be frank. When Traditionis Custodes was published we thought he would ban the Mass in the next day.
According to rumors he's going to appoint a bigger church in February.

Only For Roman Mass: Catholics Kneel In The Drizzle


Only For Roman Mass: Catholics Kneel In The Drizzle

Same here in Brazil. Traditional parishes and seminaries are full.
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Des catholiques s'agenouillent sous la bruine pour la messe, la vraie

Un seul prêtre dit la messe, il n'y a pas de concélébration.
Les photos ont été prises à des jours différents, d'où les deux couleurs de chasuble.
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(google Translated)Mais
Un seul prêtre dit la messe, il n'y a pas de concélébration.

Les photos ont été prises à des jours différents, d'où les deux couleurs de chasuble.
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(google Translated)

Nur für die Römische Messe: Katholiken knien im Nieselregen

Die Regierung ordnet Abstand an, aber da kein Inspektor in der Kapelle erscheint, ignorieren wir die Anordnung einfach. (google Translated)

Only For Roman Mass: Catholics Kneel In The Drizzle

No, we are not Sedevacantist. The Mass is said by a Diocesan Priest.