Brother Timothy Marie
Why Is It So Hard to Pray? You know that feeling. You sit down with your Bible and cup of coffee to spend some time with Jesus. But the distractions start. It feels like the conversation is sterile …More
Why Is It So Hard to Pray?
You know that feeling. You sit down with your Bible and cup of coffee to spend some time with Jesus. But the distractions start. It feels like the conversation is sterile and dry. What can you do?
Today, Fr. Mark-Mary offers some reasons why prayer is hard and what can be done to remedy that dryness and find consolation and intimacy with Christ in our daily prayer life.
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Brother Timothy Marie shares from

Victory! Popular Uprising Against Homosex Rally

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced on August 27 that EuroPride, a homosex rally, will not take place in Belgrad on September 12-18. The organisers expressed their “shock” and “defeat.” They …More
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced on August 27 that EuroPride, a homosex rally, will not take place in Belgrad on September 12-18.
The organisers expressed their “shock” and “defeat.” They had only met with government and city authorities on August 25 to plan the event.
Vučić excused his decision with tensions between Kosovo and Serbia although EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on August 27 that an agreement had been reached.
Vučić's reaction came after tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the controversial event in early August (video below).
Orthodox Bishops spoke of an abomination. Demonstrators cried, “We don’t want a homosex march and occupation by the West!” and “Keep your hands off our children”. Opposition leader Bosko Obradović spoke of “the biggest opposition protest in recent years.”
Brother Timothy Marie shares from De Profundis
This Tucker Carlson clip on the devastating present & future effects of the Russia sanctions and uselessly prolonging the war in Ukraine at the expense of ordinary European & American citizens is an …More
This Tucker Carlson clip on the devastating present & future effects of the Russia sanctions and uselessly prolonging the war in Ukraine at the expense of ordinary European & American citizens is an absolute must-watch. "This is not just bad policy - this makes no sense."
Brother Timothy Marie shares from DefendTruth
Brother Timothy Marie shares from De Profundis
Liz Yore On The FBI: They’re Not Investigating Hunter Biden But Are Going Through Melania’s Wardrobe
Brother Timothy Marie shares from HerzMariae
Kitty senses baby and welcomes the new tiny human

Fr. John O'Connor: The Homosexual Conspiracy against the Catholic Church

Fr. John O'Connor: The Homosexual Conspiracy against the Catholic Church
Brother Timothy Marie shares from Henryk Lahola
MASONRY - MASONS - FREEMASONRY - FREEMASONS - Historically old, authentically true French video with English subtitles from 1942 about the Masons' world domination... Masonry - Masons - Freemasonry - …More
MASONRY - MASONS - FREEMASONRY - FREEMASONS - Historically old, authentically true French video with English subtitles from 1942 about the Masons' world domination... Masonry - Masons - Freemasonry - Freemasons - Video about the domination of the Masons in North America and Western Europe (In French with English subtitles). Masonry - Masons - Freemasonry - Freemasons - Historically old, authentically true French video with English subtitles from 1942 about the domination of the Masons in North America and Western Europe (In French with English subtitles) .AVI
Video about Freemasons in English: MASONRY - MASONS - FREEMASONRY - FREEMASONS - Historically old, authen…
Vidéo sur les francs-maçons dans la langue Français: MAÇONS - MAÇONNERIE - FRANCS-MAÇONS - FRANC-MAÇONNERIE - Vidéo françai…
Video über Freimaurer auf Deutsch: Freimaurer und Freimaurerei - Das Freimaurerei-Video ist ein historisc…
Video sobre masones en español: MASONES - MASONERÍA - FRANCMASONES - FRANCMASONERÍA …More
Brother Timothy Marie shares from

Only For Roman Mass: Catholics Kneel In The Drizzle

Roman Rite Catholics in Curitiba, Brazil, are gathering for Sunday Mass in a chapel so small that half of the congregation has to kneel outside. Social media user “Coral Gregoriano de Curitiba” underlines …More
Roman Rite Catholics in Curitiba, Brazil, are gathering for Sunday Mass in a chapel so small that half of the congregation has to kneel outside.
Social media user “Coral Gregoriano de Curitiba” underlines that “nobody cares about the cold stone, nor the drizzle, much less the discomfort. We came to meet Jesus Christ.”
The Curitiba Mass is celebrated by two priests from Curitiba Archdiocese which is headed by the secularised Archbishop José Peruzzo, 61, who in December expelled the Institute of The Good Shepherd from the archdiocese.
Marcio Reis
"You were not made for confort, you were made for greatness." (Pope Benedict XVI) "Catholics were born for combat." (Pope Leo XIII). May God bless you …More
"You were not made for confort, you were made for greatness." (Pope Benedict XVI)
"Catholics were born for combat." (Pope Leo XIII).
May God bless you brothers.
Brother Timothy Marie shares from Seer3

Social experiment

“In Washington DC, at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2000 people went through the …More
“In Washington DC, at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
After about four minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule.
About four minutes later, the violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.
At six minutes, a young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.
At ten minutes, a three-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time. This action was repeated by several other children, but every parent - without …More
Brother Timothy Marie shares from

Canadian Lockdown: Deep-Frozen Masses

Montreal Catholics celebrate Holy Mass outside Marie-Reine Cathedral due to legalistic Covid measures. Father Emanuel Zenito (below) has been posting pictures of the open-air Masses celebrated in a …More
Montreal Catholics celebrate Holy Mass outside Marie-Reine Cathedral due to legalistic Covid measures.
Father Emanuel Zenito (below) has been posting pictures of the open-air Masses celebrated in a tent since December 26. The article’s picture shows Catholics kneeling in the snow on January 3.
The open-air Masses are celebrated on Sundays (9.30, 12.15 and 17.00) and daily (12.15). Zenito explains that it was the faithful who motivated him to continue his mission. Presently, temperatures in Montreal are around -15° (5° Fahrenheit).
Brother Timothy Marie shares from Seidenspinner
Irish Catholic men organized a Rosary rally in Armagh on Saturday, January 1. Archbishop of Armagh and the Primate of All Ireland Eamon Martin also attended the rally. Video Courtesy: Hilton Photos
Virtue and vice
Brother Timothy Marie shares from

Traditionis Custodes: THIS Is Allowed (Video)

Father José (Pepe) Planas of Malaga’s Miraflores de los Ángeles Church, Spain, is an acclaimed “flamenco priest” in the Novus Ordo group. Once again, he turned his former House of God into a dancing …More
Father José (Pepe) Planas of Malaga’s Miraflores de los Ángeles Church, Spain, is an acclaimed “flamenco priest” in the Novus Ordo group.
Once again, he turned his former House of God into a dancing platform while the former church choir sang “flamenco carols.” People who don’t care about the Church are excited, the local bishop approves.
In his legalistic and rigid Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, Francis calls shows of that kind “the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” In other words: NO priests need to take dance courses to be up to their task.
BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO]More
BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO]

BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO] -

“They are no better than murderers, some of these people. Some of the things they’ve done are …
Facts Not Lies
Lawsuits against USA government have to be agreed upon by... the USA government. Lawsuits against a company that OWNS the USA government likely can …More
Lawsuits against USA government have to be agreed upon by... the USA government.
Lawsuits against a company that OWNS the USA government likely can fill in the gap and only allow a few to appear that they are caring and humane and considerate...and continue on with their agenda.
That is not true there are two coutries that can bring a world class action suit, in Canada and USA ,inform yourself about it
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Criminal complaint filed with International Criminal Court over Corona shock measures - call for testimony on 'vaccination'

Press release Criminal complaint filed with International Criminal Court over Corona shock measures - call for testimony on 'vaccination' Our Politics Blog | 08.10.2021 Human rights defender (under UN …More
Press release
Criminal complaint filed with International Criminal Court over Corona shock measures - call for testimony on 'vaccination'
Our Politics Blog | 08.10.2021
Human rights defender (under UN Resolution 53/144) Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing is preparing a criminal complaint before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for the use of the shock doctrine under the pretext of Corona. The charge relates to actions that have reached the gravity of a crime against humanity (Article 7 of the Rome Statute). Civilians are harmed as part of a large-scale and systematic policy through the crimes of murder (lit. a), detention or other serious deprivation of liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law (lit. e), torture (lit. f), persecution (lit. h), and other inhumane acts of a similar nature that intentionally cause great suffering or serious injury to body or mental or physical health (lit. k). Shock measures serve power, ideological, and profit interests of …More
Brother Timothy Marie shares from Werte
These Pro-Abortion Students Love Murder, Hail Satan, and Hate White Men great video by @TFP Student ActionMore
These Pro-Abortion Students Love Murder, Hail Satan, and Hate White Men
great video by @TFP Student Action
Brother Timothy Marie shares from catholichack
Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, MOST famous Catholic Convert? Is the Vatican NOT happy that Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, former bishop of Rochester, England has converted to the Catholic Church? Lord Michael Nazir-…More
Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, MOST famous Catholic Convert?
Is the Vatican NOT happy that Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, former bishop of Rochester, England has converted to the Catholic Church? Lord Michael Nazir-Ali will be ordained on October 30 and the rumor is the Vatican didn't want him to convert in the first place. We discuss it with Dr. Jules Gomes.
#MichaelNazir #Vatican #AnglicanBishop #Convert #CatholicDriveTime #JoeMcClane #ChuchMilitant
The Article -…s/article/celeb-anglican-bishop-comes-home-to-rome
Church Militant also learned that efforts were made at the highest level of the Vatican to dissuade 72-year-old Nazir-Ali from converting to Catholicism.
"First, Nazir-Ali isn't the kind of convert we are looking for under the Francis pontificate. Second, such a high-profile conversion is a setback to ecumenism. Third, Pope Francis seems to have always indicated he believes in the validity of Anglican orders," a senior Argentinian-based Anglican …More
HEADS UP! VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required -- BREAKING. Here we go. BREAKING! Multiple sources have reported a Vaxxed Delta Airlines pilot died IN-FLIGHT, shortly after …More
HEADS UP! VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required -- BREAKING.
Here we go. BREAKING! Multiple sources have reported a Vaxxed Delta Airlines pilot died IN-FLIGHT, shortly after receiving a second dose of the "Covid vaccine". If you like this video you may also like some of these. Black colored blood, Living organisms in the vaccine, Antarctica, Adverse reactions, Blood Clots and other Blood issues, FEMA guillotines, DUMBS, Black eyed children, Clones, Graphene Oxide, shortages and more:
THIS IS IN THE VACCINES - The Undying Hydra: A Mini-Monster That Clones Itself. Has Neurotoxins?
Anthony Fauci And his Husband. Mr. and Mr. Fauci? Look at him. Both hims.
The Military Exercise named "Dark Winter"...just another coincidence it would seem? Update from John O'Looney, UK Funeral Director on Vax Deaths 1 million or more dead. Their screams …More
Brother Timothy Marie shares from DefendTruth
MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From …More
MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?
This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, ...