Possibly the first arrest in Sheffield under new Coronavirus Rules implemented 5 November 2020 *ARREST UPDATE... I have received information stating appeared in court Monday 9 November 2020 then released …More
Possibly the first arrest in Sheffield under new Coronavirus Rules implemented 5 November 2020

*ARREST UPDATE... I have received information stating appeared in court Monday 9 November 2020 then released with court adjournment until 9 February 2020... end of update Up and down the country and throughout history, people have always made a stand against Tyranny, for Tyranny is perceived by many to have been bestowed upon the people! Sheffield is most but not all yet shut down by the new Coronavirus rules implemented by Boris Johnson and the UK government on 5 November 2020. Just like ancestors before them, when people are not happy with their government, people have and will always make they're stand! Recorded 7 November 2020 BANAMAN now needs your support with any small amount you can afford to donate. We are living in times unprecedented in our lifetimes and these events need covering with video recordings to help preserve what is happening not just yesterday, but today, tomorrow and further in to the future for they are all a new history in the making just like Germany was with World War 2 Our future generations need a record of events to highlight what is now going on in not only our country, but simultaneously countries around the world. The mainstream media are not covering these events and are trying to hide the peoples uprising!!! If you can help me with expenses for fuel and parking, I can then get outside of Sheffield and cover the larger events taking place up and down the country. You can make any donations here paypal.me/supportbanaman All your donations will be used for future protests in the coming days, weeks and months, Thank you for all donations received to date and with the donations received recently, there is sufficient funds to cover Manchester tomorrow 8 November 2020 for the Manchester big one in Piccadilly Gardens... Thank you.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Britain 2020: police state. “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984