Rwanda: The twelve martyrs of Rwanda. Watch CRTN's latest documentary "The twelve martyrs of Rwanda " . Production Date: 2009 Duration: 13' Copyright : CRTN Language: English Executive Producer: Mark …More
Rwanda: The twelve martyrs of Rwanda.

Watch CRTN's latest documentary "The twelve martyrs of Rwanda " .

Production Date: 2009
Duration: 13'

Copyright : CRTN
Language: English
Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann
Director: Agnes Dzieduszycka

In April 1994, in the heart of Africa, genocide took place on an unprece-dented scale. Little Rwanda became an arena of slaughter, where the more numerous Hutu tribes murdered nearly a million Tutsi's and moderate Hutus. Neighbours, friends, members of the same family, became enemies overnight - within a hundred days eight hundred thousand people lost their lives, whiles many more millions were forced to flee and to hide. Even the habit proved no defence against persecution, despite up to sixty percent of Rwanda's population being Catholic. Novices from the Convent of the Good Shepherd, engaged in helping the needy in the vicinity of the capital Kigali, were to find that the war did not spare them.