Russian TV Can Be Very Entertaining!” Army in Skirts. Canada's new military dress instructions will promote – quote “respect, diversity and inclusiveness" by allowing coloured hair and face tattoos …More
Russian TV Can Be Very Entertaining!”

Army in Skirts.
Canada's new military dress instructions will promote – quote “respect, diversity and inclusiveness" by allowing coloured hair and face tattoos. Men may now wear blouses and skirts as a part of the uniform. Restrictions on hair length have been lifted. Canada is part of NATO.

Entertaining. Apti Alaudinov, the commander of the “Akhmat” battalion of special forces of Chechen soldiers fighting in the Lugansk region, Ukraine, was asked Monday on Russian TV’s Sixty Minutes whether a direct fight with NATO would be intimidating. With a broad smile on his face, Alaudinov said ‘no,’ the ‘LGBTQ’ led armies of NATO were no match for the forces of the Russian Federation. “Power to Russia,” he exclaimed. Gilbert Doctorow commented on his webpage, “Russian television can be very entertaining!”

More Decadence. Jenn Mason, a school board director in Bellingham, Washington state, has announced she will teach sex education classes to children aged 9 and over on topics such as "sexual anatomy for pleasure" and "safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities." The classes are expected to be held at a sex shop called WinkWink, which is owned by Mason herself.

No Interest. Number of homosex pseudo-marriage, introduced in 2017, decline in Germany according to the Federal Statistical Office. The number of pseudo-marriages in 2021 was 12,4% below the number of the year before. Lesbians were more likely to enter a pseudo-marriage.
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