Uproar Over Pro-Life Super Bowl. Uproar Over Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad Featuring Tim TebowMore
Uproar Over Pro-Life Super Bowl.

Uproar Over Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad Featuring Tim Tebow
Typical liberal feminist, gets caught up in her own words!!! Im soooo happy this add is going to be showing. There are so many other negative and worldly commercial adds out there..know is time for a good positive one.
O'Reilly demonstrates with this pro-death woman named Jehmu Greene how deeply hell can root itself in individuals for the murder of the unborn. Watch the mindless, murderous way that this woman Jehmu Greene behaves-she is so hell-bent on abortion that reason and facts presented her by O'Reily are met with a cold smile and glazed eyes that want nothing more than to murder the unborn and keep others …More
O'Reilly demonstrates with this pro-death woman named Jehmu Greene how deeply hell can root itself in individuals for the murder of the unborn. Watch the mindless, murderous way that this woman Jehmu Greene behaves-she is so hell-bent on abortion that reason and facts presented her by O'Reily are met with a cold smile and glazed eyes that want nothing more than to murder the unborn and keep others from even seeing the joyous story that could be presented by a pro-life commercial. When you look at this woman you see what diabolical possession is-complete adherance to Satan and complete disregard for the Truth of Life.
I really don't know why this woman feels offended by the life of a human being. So what's her problem??? She just wants to ban everything on TV, which doesn't represent her opinion. 🤐
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Choice and "Reproductive rights" means sin and calling G'd's gift a disease 🤬
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Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Motivation of him is not clear also running bestiality cartoons for children: secure.afa.net/afa/activism/TakeAction.asp