The non-science of WHO’s weekly Covid reports

"They expand on this in the body of the article by saying: “The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an unprecedented global health crisis, with more than 770 million confirmed cases and over 6.9 million confirmed deaths being reported globally to WHO from 1 January 2020 to 1 September 2023.”

While we certainly do not begrudge the WHO for deciding to keep tabs on a disease that potentially claimed 6.9 million lives over the space of 44 months, we take exception to calling it an “unprecedented global health crisis.” The word unprecedented means “never having happened or existed in the past” [2]. We are at a complete loss to see how Covid was a global health crisis, let alone an unprecedented one [3]. To be thorough, we demonstrate that there was nothing unprecedented about Covid by pointing out a few things that happen during every normal 44 month period:

89 billion cases of respiratory infections [4]

2.5 billion people are infected with the norovirus [5]

264 million people die of old age [6]

37 million people die of cancer [7], and

5 million people die in a car accident [8]

Therefore, even taking their numbers at face value, the only thing that was unprecedented about Covid was the response to it. Never before in the history of humanity was nearly the whole world locked down in a vain attempt to arrest the spread of a disease. The “global crisis” of the past four years was not a respiratory disease but a bureaucratic disorder. The crisis was man-made, inflicted on humanity by governments and public health officials that chose to lock people in their own homes, prohibit them from earning a living, close churches, mask children for hours a day, ban weddings and funerals, isolate children from their dying parents, ticket people for walking in a park, and then, finally, to coerce the masses to have an untested pharmaceutical product injected into their arms. Every one of these decisions was unprecedented and nearly global in extent. These responses destroyed healthy businesses, killed poor children, increased stress, weakened immune systems, drove many to the brink of insanity, and in general caused more havoc and death than Covid ever would have. Excess deaths in most countries around the world during the past four years prove this terrifying reality [6]."

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The non-science of WHO's weekly Covid reports