
France: Activists Against Pedophilia Jailed (Stan Maillaud's Affair)

Stan Maillaud disappeared in France on September 22nd 2012 while he was investigating on a pedophile network in the region of Doubs (France).

But now, his girlfriend and others people are jailed because they were investigating on another affair of pedophilia, but we still don't know where is Stan Maillaud.

Summary Of The Affair

"Christian Maillaud (Stan) is the voice of London’s grandson, a former policeman who is involved in chassing paedophile’s rings. He is currently on the run being sought for doing the right thing ("Affaire Vincent") and has disappeared since September 22nd this year in the most suspicious circumstances.

- September 22nd 2012 : Disappearance of Stan

He along with his team was investigating a paedophile-Satanist ring in Amancey in the area of Besançon, East of France. He unfortunately had to run away while being checked “randomly” by the police. At that very moment Janett Seeman (his partner in life) and Jeremy Lehut (investigator) were meeting in secret the witness and victim. Jeremy and Janett are the only persons to whom the victim has accepted to make a statement.

- October 4th 2012: Janett's Alert
Janett reports the Stan's disappearance through a web alert.

- October 20th 2012 : Amancey Meeting
Meeting and public conference for the support of Stan Maillaud and his team has been held in Amancey. It was the first international meeting on the subject of paedophile criminal rings. This meeting was part of a long investigation report that followed the first film titled (“Les Réseaux de l'Horreur”) which was a report on the powerful protection that these paedophile rings obtain from inside the French State itself. Notes: The Amancey victim seems to be the 9th person to testify about the framework of this report. Three uncut auditions are already online: Veronique, Helene, and Sandrine (View in French: www.agoravox.tv/…/auditions-de-ma…).

- October 23rd 2012 : The arrests of Janett Seeman, Jeremy Lehut, and Sandrine Gachadoat

The Sandrine’s file has been the excuse to justify the arrests of Janett, Jeremy, Sandrine and more people just after they gave a public lecture on the situation (Amancey Meeting). This was also the beginning of this committee of support. Janett and Jeremy were supposed to meet up again with the witness the following day in order to record the interview. The Belgium MP, Laurent Louis, had already given his approval for a Belgium protection for this witness. This victim is an adult and therefore remains free of her whereabouts.

- November 08th 2012 : Jessica X’s message

Jessica X’s message explains so well Stan Maillaud’s reasoning and the steps to bring a shocking proof in his documentary, like a child rape. Jessica says she is ready to hand herself to the justice under the charge of complicity of criminal conspiracy.
View Original Message in French: smrrr.wordpress.com/2012/11/08/message-de-jessica-x
Note: These heroes have been depicted as criminals planning to rapt children from malevolent people, and it has been easy for them to do so. A general outlook of the situation shows that Stan and his team are very inconvenient for the high powers in place. Such a rebellion could not be let to happen.

- November 13th 2012 : Jeremy Lehut out of jail (French) "

Activists Jailed

3 activists are still jailed and they need your support !

Write to them in jail in France :

"Janett Seemann
N°17292W Maison d’Arrêt de Saintes-
59 bis rue Arc de Triomphe
17107 Saintes Cedex
BP 311

"Christophe Borja
N°95-10, maison d’arrêt de Rochefort,
11 TER Rue Maréchal Gallieri,
17306 Rochefort cedex
BP 141

"Sandrine Gachadoat
N°2782 Maison d’arrêt d’Angoulême
Rue St Roch 16016 Angoulême
BP 1358

Informations About "Stan" Maillaud

"Stan Maillaud is the grand son of Pierre Maillaud (also called Pierre Bourdan), former resistant. Pierre Maillaud is the origin of “the French Agency Independent”, London. Politician and journalist, he talks to Radio London (BBC) from July 1940 to June 1944, participated in the program “The French people speak to the French people.” He became minister of culture after the war and prepare a draft law on the status of the press, calls for the abolition of “prior authorization” which governed the press … He died strangely."

From: planet.infowars.com/resistance/alert-french-ac…

French Biography: www.pedopolis.com/…/qui-est-stan-ma…

French Documentaries Subtitled in English About Pedophilia in Europe:

"File of Shame - Karl Zero, Marcel Vervloesem, Zandvoort" : Documentary about The "Zandvoort Case", A CD-Rom with thousands of pictures of sexually abused children discovered in Belgium by Marcel Vervloesem.

"Children's rapes: The end of silence ?" : French TV emission about organised pedophilia.

English Articles About Marcel Vervloesem and Zandvoort :

- Marcel Vervloesem has been released
- About Marcel Vervloesem and Zandvoort
- Articles About Marcel Vervloesem on "Droit Fondamental"
- Marcel Vervloesem surgical operations endured by Marcel Vervloesem

Official "Stan Maillaud's Friends" Website:

English: www.lesamisdestanmaillaud.org/en
French: www.lesamisdestanmaillaud.org
French Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/LesAmisDeStanMaillaud

News and Articles About Pedophilia :

Alice Miller Work About Child Mistreatment And Child Abuse:

-Deception Kills Love: Article About Pedophilia