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World Meeting of Families: Francis Without Wheelchair Downfall. Last week, the World Meeting of Families took place in Rome. The event, founded by John Paul II, used to attract huge crowds. In 2012 …More
World Meeting of Families: Francis Without Wheelchair

Last week, the World Meeting of Families took place in Rome. The event, founded by John Paul II, used to attract huge crowds. In 2012 there were a million people in Milan, in 2018 in Dublin 130,000. This year in Rome - allegedly because of Covid restrictions - only 2,000 were present. At Saturday's closing Mass, Cardinal Farrell announced a 2025 Jubilee Year of the Family. Francis showed up at the meeting not with a wheelchair but with a cane.

Irresponsible, lazy bully? Throw him out!

Ironing shirts.
At the closing Eucharist, Francis warmed up his shopkeepers and joked about unmarried mama’s boys. He recalled a mother who complained that her 37-year-old son was not married. Francis told her to stop ironing his shirts. The audience laughed. Francis added that she should send him away. This way, he would have to leave the nest. He warned parents not to shield their children too much from difficulties. In crises, he said, the wide road back to mum should not be chosen.

Loss of three children

Speaking at the meeting was the Australian Maronite couple Leila and Daniel Abdallah, who lost three of their six children in a drunk-driving car accident in 2020. In March, Leila gave birth to a seventh child. The couple was chosen as speakers because the mother publicly forgave the perpetrator after the accident. Quote: "I don't hate him. In my heart I forgive him, but I want the court to judge justly." Leila says that this forgiveness was given to her by the Holy Spirit. Death is part of life, she says, “What really counts is eternity.”

Female Predecessors. Berlin Archbishop Heiner Koch, the family bishop of the German Bishops' Conference, gave an interview to EWTN at the World Meeting of Families. In doing so, he got tangled up in his gender ideology language and talked about the “male and female predecessors of the World Meeting of Families." Francis made no mention of the US Supreme Court decision on abortion during his closing homily in a yawningly empty St Peter's Square, Francis, nor during the Angelus on Sunday. The 2030 UN agenda, which the Vatican strongly supports, includes a "right to abortion."
Things that this pope should speak about ,like the supreme court decision on abortion ,he doesn,t ,is it because he does not want to hert the feelings of his elite friends ? i hope not ,we should pray for him to do the will of God not the will of the world