Peter Beter: Pope John Paul II Murdered And Replaced by Actor. Peter Beter said the famous Pope John Paul II was murdered and replaced by an actor. Letter 41 (At the end of Part 2): www.peterdavidbeter.com …More
Peter Beter: Pope John Paul II Murdered And Replaced by Actor.

Peter Beter said the famous Pope John Paul II was murdered and replaced by an actor.
Letter 41 (At the end of Part 2): www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal41.html
Letter 46 (At the end of Part 2): www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal46.html

" [...] My friends, here is what actually happened. During the period
in mid November when Pope John Paul II was seen very little, his
poisoning was in process. Beginning November 18 this took the
form of a very powerful air-borne poison based on plutonium and
zirconium, a variant of the poison that produces Legionnaires'
Disease. The Pope's condition deteriorated rapidly, and he died
at approximately 4:00 P.M. Rome time on November 20, 1978.
Shortly thereafter his body was secretly removed from the
Vatican, being taken first to an interim location about 45 miles
northwest of Rome. By 8:00 P.M. Rome time the following evening,
November 21, his body had been cremated. It was earlier that
same day that the Vatican issued the terse announcement saying
the entire Curia had been re-confirmed by the Pope. Since that
time an actor has been playing the part of Pope John Paul II.
This man is neither Polish nor Christian. Those in Europe who
have more opportunities than we in America to see the Pope should observe him closely. Pay close attention to the voice, the mannerisms, the closeness of the photography; compare the
pictures of the dead Pope and this actor, and the exact nature of
his public utterances. These days the 'actor Pope' is the most
visible pope in history, made so by the controlled major media;
and his pronouncements are moving the Roman Catholic Church
closer and closer to open confrontation against Russia. [...] "