What Happens When You Pray for the Unborn in Extremely Woke City? De-fund Planned Parenthood today at Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW What is it …More
What Happens When You Pray for the Unborn in Extremely Woke City?

De-fund Planned Parenthood today at Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW

What is it like to pray for the unborn in the extremely leftist city of Amsterdam?

As the city square bustled with people, TFP Student Action volunteers went into the belly of the beast to pray the holy Rosary for the unborn. But leftists assembled to retaliate against the prayer because they couldn’t stomach the public proclamation of Faith. When the Apostle’s Creed finished, a man dashed out of the crowd and ripped the TFP banner down. He shouted, cursed, and threatened.

The pro-abortion bully grabbed the TFP camera, threw it on the ground, and broke it. Finally, the police escorted him away.

Meanwhile, about a hundred abortion supporters gathered. They blasphemed and cursed. Yet as they grew more vicious, many pro-lifers who had been silent until then decided to show their support. “I work for the pro-life movement in America,” said one pedestrian. “It’s a Christian duty to speak out for God’s law.”

“Where are the women?” shouted a feminist. With perfect timing, a pro-life woman stepped in and dismantled her arguments so well that the pro-abortionist accepted defeat and retreated into the crowd.

The TFP caravan generated renewed interest among those who feel isolated and discouraged by the moral crisis undermining society. Students from other parts of Europe are now inviting the TFP to visit their cities and hold rallies on their college campuses.

The pro-life crusade will not stop. Relying on God’s grace and the most powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, TFP Student Action will continue the crusade for the family with more enthusiasm, courage, and devotion. With great confidence, those fighting in this spiritual crusade for moral values will never retreat but march forward under the standard of Tradition, Family, and Property.

#TFPStudentAction #prayfortheunborn
By staying calm they are winning ,and the others look foolish and evil .God bless the TFP
Well done TFP, better a reaction than not reaction. Either you love me or hate me.
Alex A
I am not a fan of TFP, however, The courage evident in the above video speaks volumes for their commitment to the anti-abortion agenda.
May God bless & protect them against these evil demons.