holyrope 3
Baptist President Clinton receives Communion. Baptist Protestant Clinton given Communion by the novus ordo priest.More
Baptist President Clinton receives Communion.

Baptist Protestant Clinton given Communion by the novus ordo priest.
holyrope 3
This is why the Holy Father had to come out with his "Motu Proprio" - Summorum Pontificum...because of these Sacrileges done by the novus ordo communities! 🤬 🤫
Clinton receiving Communion in a Catholic church in Soweto, and listened as the priest preached a sermon on adultery. 🤐More
This is why the Holy Father had to come out with his "Motu Proprio" - Summorum Pontificum...because of these Sacrileges done by the novus ordo communities! 🤬 🤫

Clinton receiving Communion in a Catholic church in Soweto, and listened as the priest preached a sermon on adultery. 🤐