This Rabid Pro-Abortion Mob Wants a World Without God. Please defund Planned Parenthood by clicking here: Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW The pro-…More
This Rabid Pro-Abortion Mob Wants a World Without God.

Please defund Planned Parenthood by clicking here: Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW

The pro-abortion movement is frantic because the Supreme Court might finally reverse Roe v Wade. Protesting a possible reversal, thousands of abortion advocates gathered in Washington, D.C. on May 14, 2022. The event was called “Bans off our bodies” march, which started at the National Mall and went up Constitution Avenue. Indeed, it was an anti-March for Life.

Vulgar signs, rainbow flags, and feminist slogans were on display. Some placards attacked God directly with blasphemy while others flaunted the sin of abortion without shame. However, those who claim there is a “right” to kill the innocent, want more than abortion on demand. They want a world without God, a culture without grace, and a society without truth.

At the U.S. Supreme Court, the pro-abortion chant became more direct: “We will not obey!” The chant resembled Lucifer’s cry of revolt against God: “I will not serve!”

Let us therefore repeat St. Michael victorious battle cry, “Who is like unto God?”
“We will serve,” and no matter what, we will continue fighting the good fight against abortion. TFP Student Action will never stop defending moral values.

#TFPStudentAction #abortion #prolife

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De Profundis shares this
John A Cassani
The pagan Hippocratic Oath had physicians swear to to prescribe any deadly medicine, or anything that would bring about abortion. It was altered after Roe v Wade to accommodate abortion and euthanasia. This video lays bare the lack of reason on the part of pro-aborts. The interviewer does a wonderful job of being patient with the bad guys.
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