Pop-Up Catechesis: Temptations We sometimes get an itch, a restlessness, and we seek to find ways to scratch that itch. Joe Paprocki explains temptations as we get ready for the First Sunday of Lent,…More
Pop-Up Catechesis: Temptations

We sometimes get an itch, a restlessness, and we seek to find ways to scratch that itch. Joe Paprocki explains temptations as we get ready for the First Sunday of Lent, when we hear about Jesus’ temptations in the desert. For more on Lent, visit loyolapress.com/…esources/liturgical-year/lent/ This video is an episode of Pop-Up Catechesis with Joe Paprocki, National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press. For more episodes, visit catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com/tag/pop-up-catechesis/