Son has a last dance with her dying mother in his wedding.
I am a dying person, how do you want to be remembered? His mother wanted this if you paid attention, it is both, moving and heart-breaking if you feel that in a way is disrespectful, disgusting, distasteful, or any bad feeling you felt, I would say ARE YOU READY TO DIE?
If you have not faced your mortality you should, and be in good terms with your love ones and the Lord. I am dying and terminally …More
I am a dying person, how do you want to be remembered? His mother wanted this if you paid attention, it is both, moving and heart-breaking if you feel that in a way is disrespectful, disgusting, distasteful, or any bad feeling you felt, I would say ARE YOU READY TO DIE?

If you have not faced your mortality you should, and be in good terms with your love ones and the Lord. I am dying and terminally ill, yet I have given hope to people who want to cling to this life and live in desperation, frustration, depression, anger, etc because they have not accepted their mortality, i thank God I've been able to bring in their souls some peace and consolation as well as resignation, and courage.

I am so sorry for all the bad comments some "catholic" people are making but I think we ought to rearrange our priorities, and ought to change our mind and heart to be more empathetic and compassionate, before we depart and not become a burden to our love ones.

Even though I'm terminally ill, and my family knows in a way, I have not become a burden for them and I'm still blessed by God in many other ways. I'm still young and I talk to many young people and thanks to God and our blessed mother they have come out of vices like alcoholism, drug addiction, fornication, etc. It is God that's changed my entire life to be that vessel of hope and example, any antipathy towards this video only shows fear and lack of compassion, and worst than anything it shows we are the kind of Christians who are preaching everything the world has to offer but hope, compassion, and above all to be a good example to others.

When I was at the hospital, a young doctor asked me to drop my pants down to look at a wound that I had, and he called other doctors and nurses without my consent, you know what I saw in their faces? I saw exactly the kind of comments people make when they dislike this video and think it's not the place and it's distasteful. That's what I saw. Souls empty of compassion. I lost 33 lbs, and was not in my best. Let's try to be real Christians, instead of writing bad comments why don't you write something more positive like, I WILL PRAY FOR THE SOUL OF THAT LADY AND THEIR FAMILY, OR I WILL DO A NOVENA FOR HER, MAY SHE REST IN PEACE, OR I WILL DO THE CROWN TO THE DIVINE MERCY FOR HER SOUL AND THE SOUL OF OTHERS WHO ARE DYING, you know, something NICE WON'T HURT.

Why do we have to show how diluted and mediocre is our Christianity and why do we have to make distasteful comments that instead of sowing something good in people, are good for spreading indifference? why? wake up so called Christians you will die too, how do you want to go? do not become a burden or a devil to others.

I do not complain and I do not pity myself or close myself up or isolate from anyone, I think I've been even more active now in regards to helping others than I've ever been in my entire life, I've always been the kind of person who likes to help and do things for others, but I think now my life has become more active because of my terminal illness because I've come to bring FACTS about life to others, and HOPE to others to be in good terms with the Lord and with those around them whether they are loves ones or people they may meet for a couple of mins. I can tell you from experience that even when I had 5 or 10 mins with a person that I do not know or I may not see again, it's changed their life somehow and their way of thinking. Try to become a Testimony of Jesus in your life and the life of others, I want people not to remember me, but to remember who has given me the grace to be able to talk to them and bring them hope, consolation, peace, and forgiveness.

I hope you all understand that one day, it is very sad to contemplate our Lord in the cross, even more to see him scorned and bleeding, it's a horrible sight, what you watch in this video cant reflect a particle in the universe of what our Lord went through and you are all scandalized, where is your love for your Lord or your neighbor?

I'm not judging, criticizing or anything, just putting things into the reality of the cross which is suffering, reconciliation, repentance, and LOVE.

God Bless.