When a couple seeks a blessing, they don’t want to be set apart, actually, what they really want is to remain together, their bond to be stronger… Homosexuals will not go to a priest and tell them their sexual orientation is evil and are struggling not to be together and scandalized the little ones.

False prophet Francis has pull one of the most beautiful yet deceitful lines from the world’s gospel: Love is love. Sodomy is love according to Francis, beautiful right? Still… no one is ripping their clothes apart inside the Church.

What is next? Well, they want to kick us out from the Church, as they have seized the structures, but we have our faith, now the question is: do they care? When the chaff grew around the wheat for ages and ages, spots here and there you could hear about, chaff spewing apostasy, heresy, blasphemy throughout history, the chaff were always hidden amongst us, but not as of today, they are proud to show their faces out there, their gospel is the world’s despite proclaiming the law will not change, instead, they’re doing something different from the law and call it “mercy.”

Francis is calling hypocrites those who critic his worldly gospel, even showing his wish for “small minded” people who criticized his gay couples blessing to go away… but we shall NOT. Each and every faithful catholic IS the Catholic Church, we should be aware of our Lord’s desire to be lamps on top not below the bed, in other words, we should be cause of light not darkness.

All it took was a decade of false prophet’s beautiful lies to create massive eclipse about the good news of Jesus inside the Church, and because everything is connected nowadays, news travel in seconds and reaches everyone and everywhere. So, it isn’t only forfeiting the Church in China, letting atheists remain in their unbelief, torpedoing the evangelization of Jews, elevating false religions as good, giving away the Eucharist to the unrepentant, divorce and remarried to remain and now allowing sexually disoriented men and women to remain in their grave sin to name a few.

There is a lot of darkness being proclaimed from the top as light, the worst part is the silence, no one from the line of the Apostles is actively calling this man a false prophet, not from the pulpits, not online… Now, what’s the gain to say he is a false prophet? The flock will no longer follow the beautiful lies, but also, they will be walking away from the wolf in sheep clothing while remaining faithful.

They’re using beautiful words to eclipse the truth and knowingly plunge souls to hell, we are talking about someone who has said many times he doesn’t believe in hell, many times and in different ways he does NOT believe Jesus is God, that He is the only way to the Father.

Apostasy needs to happen that’s a fact, it is written in the Bible, in order for Jesus to return again apostasy needs to be set first… And next? The man of perdition to be revealed; now, while that happens, bit by bit the holy temple is being corrupted and the next step is for the Eucharist to be stopped fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel, say whatever you want to say about the novus ordo, but the Eucharist still becomes the Holy Flesh of our Lord there, eventually they’ll say the Eucharist is not Jesus, but the opportunity to encounter our brethren (actually they’ve already did).

Schism for the faithful is the hope of Francis, but they were the ones who embrace the outside while having the structures, they’re outside of the Church with the atheists and pagans, and outside of the Church there’s no salvation, they think because they have the churches, most institutions and all the power they too have our faith, NO… We are the Catholic Church, they are the chaff, yet, they’re very proud of who they are.

This is the best time to be saints, the time of apostasy, Jesus is coming soon… sadly many will embrace this “inclusive” and deceitful church, they’re being actively swept by beautiful lies… PLEASE, remain faithful, RESIST false prophet Francis, open your eyes to the truth our Patriarchs have taught and remember: you are not alone.

“Jesus, let me be yours, let me be Holy, let my faith grow and allow me to Love our Father more and more; give me your strength, handle my selfish ways, have Mercy on me and my love ones, save us oh Lord.” Amen.

A big hug in Jesus Christ
This article wasnt allowed to be published, through my laptop, it seems wasntat fault, i apologize. This is not the 1st time i had my computer hacked. Well, God bless.