5 Things Every Pro-Lifer Should Know in Post-Roe America. Help us defund Planned Parenthood here: Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW Thank God, Roe …More
5 Things Every Pro-Lifer Should Know in Post-Roe America.

Help us defund Planned Parenthood here: Defund Planned Parenthood: Ask the U.S. Congress to Cut Tax Dollars for Abortion NOW

Thank God, Roe v. Wade is dead. The decision to overturn it represents more than the end of a bad law. It changes the moral debate in America.

With churches under attack, the debate is no longer scripted by Planned Parenthood under the guise of women’s health. The hysteria of the far left is clear, and everyone can see what unites and defines the pro-abortion movement. But what about the pro-life movement? How do we win the debate?

There are 5 things you should know about the pro-abortion movement. After we look at those, we’ll talk about the best way to defeat abortion in post-Roe America.

1. Abortion is a debate about the wrong concept of freedom.
2. Abortion unites all forms of impurity and all disordered passions.
3. Abortion unites the political left.
4. The abortion radicals break the law when it favors them.
5. Abortion unites those who are anti-God and pro-Satan.

The Roe v. Wade debate is not only about abortion. It’s tied to a world of issues. The left sees this clearly. The right not as much. So what’s the pro-life movement’s plan for victory? How do we rally everyone who loves God together and restore Christian civilization?

This video gives you a 5-point road map for victory:

1. The pro-life movement must unite around the true vision of freedom.
2. The pro-life movement must embrace all that is pure and moral.
3. The anti-abortion fight should unite the political right.
4. The pro-life movement must adhere to the law.
5. The fight for life must always be religious, in favor of God, the source of all grace and life.

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