Why Does the Left Hate TFP Symbols So Much? Are you familiar with the capes and standards of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)? Why do TFP symbols inspire so …More
Why Does the Left Hate TFP Symbols So Much?
Are you familiar with the capes and standards of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)? Why do TFP symbols inspire so much admiration and sometimes even hatred? What do they represent?

In the animal kingdom, the lion represents majesty and courage. In scripture, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah refers to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His eternal kingship over Heaven and earth.

The TFP lion advances toward the enemy with a bold step. His eyes don’t gaze upon the opponent in his immediate vicinity but on the infinite. His gaze looks at the noble Cause he fights for. God is the end.

The red cross on its chest represents the Catholic Faith. While its claws are ready to pounce, the lion’s outstretched tongue symbolizes the importance of waging and winning the battle of ideas. The lion faces the left -- liberalism and communism -- with its chest out and head high. Its ornate and elegant tail defies the vulgar and egalitarian traits of the Revolution.

As Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, the founder of the first TFP, stated: “The lion […] demonstrates elegance, aristocracy and strength. He is a lion that knows how to be a Crusader.”

This video will explain the TFP cape, standard, habit, fleur de lis, and lion.

Symbols are important because they express ideas and principles that are difficult to convey with words alone. Only mention the word “heroism,” and a heroic person or symbol will spring to mind, not a dictionary definition. Symbols speak of the ineffable, metaphysical and spiritual realm. They make the invisible world visible.

#TFP #symbols

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