Vatican Report on U.S. Nuns is Conciliatory, Stresses Teachings. Wochitgeneralnews on Dec 16, 2014 A keenly-awaited Vatican report on Roman Catholic nuns in the United States struck a conciliatory …More
Vatican Report on U.S. Nuns is Conciliatory, Stresses Teachings.

Wochitgeneralnews on Dec 16, 2014 A keenly-awaited Vatican report on Roman Catholic nuns in the United States struck a conciliatory tone on Tuesday, praising them for their social and educational work but urging them to stick to Church teachings. The report is the result of an investigation launched in 2008 after some Vatican officials and U.S. bishops voiced concern that some American nuns had adopted a secular mentality and been infiltrated by what one official at the time called "radical feminism". The inquiry, begun during the papacy of former Pope Benedict, involved 341 religious orders and about 50,000 nuns.
(Vatican Radio) Six years after the Vatican’s Congregation for religious life ordered an investigation or ‘Apostolic Visitation’ of all female religious institutes in the United States, the Holy See on Tuesday released its final report, reaffirming the vital role that sisters play in evangelisation within the wider Church. At a press conference that was streamed live online, American Sr Mary Clare …More
(Vatican Radio) Six years after the Vatican’s Congregation for religious life ordered an investigation or ‘Apostolic Visitation’ of all female religious institutes in the United States, the Holy See on Tuesday released its final report, reaffirming the vital role that sisters play in evangelisation within the wider Church. At a press conference that was streamed live online, American Sr Mary Clare Millea, charged with organising the visitation, shared her positive impressions of the report, alongside the heads of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious.
