2 pages
Worth every minute!
"Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza".More
"Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza".
2 pages
Why are there so many homosexual priests in the Church? ISFCC - Home You will find the complete answer in this new book, The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement…More
Why are there so many homosexual priests in the Church?
ISFCC - Home
You will find the complete answer in this new book, The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement Breached Dam.pdf
132 pages
Louis IX
Why so many? Because they stopped weeding them out in seminary. (Not to mention the ones planted there by enemies of the Church in the early and mid …More
Why so many? Because they stopped weeding them out in seminary. (Not to mention the ones planted there by enemies of the Church in the early and mid 20th century.)
English CatholicMore
English Catholic
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How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ? Father John Ibould, exorcist and Fabienne Maria Free PDFMore
How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ?
Father John Ibould, exorcist and Fabienne Maria Free PDF
44 pages
2 pages
Father John Exorcist - How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ?
44 pages

Leftists collect more than 220,000 signatures demanding release of Catholic kicker Harrison Butker -…

(LifeSiteNews) – More than 220,000 people have signed a petition calling on the Kansas City Chiefs …
The lefties do their best imitation of demons when they are presented with the truth. God bless Harrison!!
Everyday for Life Canada
You know that a society is morally bankrupt when so many people have signed a petition to censor and have Butker fired for defending the family, fatherhood …More
You know that a society is morally bankrupt when so many people have signed a petition to censor and have Butker fired for defending the family, fatherhood and motherhood.

Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism

Those who want to steal the soul of Europe and make it a victim of their post-humanist atheism are pushing for its de-Christianisation, said Cardinal Gerhard Müller in his homily at the closing Mass …More
Those who want to steal the soul of Europe and make it a victim of their post-humanist atheism are pushing for its de-Christianisation, said Cardinal Gerhard Müller in his homily at the closing Mass on 20 May of the legendary Roman Rite pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres.
The cardinal hopes that Catholics [but not the Vatican] will be "immune to the propaganda and opium of substitute political religions" and declares that "self-destruction through suicide and euthanasia, drugs and alcohol, or the rejection of our male or female sexuality are not options for Christians".
He also said that Christians are the most persecuted religious community in human history.
Ivan Tomas
"Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism" And who is their Joker, your excellency?More
"Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism"
And who is their Joker, your excellency?
Where Enoch and Elija 🙏
10 more comments
Ignoring exculpatory evidence and more honest media coverage, a writer’s selective reporting undermines the defense of a priest wrongly imprisoned for 28 years.

A Reporter’s Bias Taints the Defense of Fr Gordon MacRae — Beyond These Stone Walls

A Reporter’s Bias Taints the Defense of Fr Gordon MacRae Police Misconduct: A Crusader Cop Destroys a Catholic Priest…

Italy: Two Lega Activists Hospitalised After Brutal Attack

A vicious assault on two supporters of the Italian right-wing Lega party over the weekend has been roundly condemned by conservative Italian MPs. …

'Saddened and shocked': World leaders extend condolences after President Raeisi's martyrdom

Raeisi died alongside his accompanying delegation, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, after …
Just one remark, to the English-speaking people (mainly Americans, I suppose). To me, it's very clear that the only "Muslim" milieu where human reason …More
Just one remark, to the English-speaking people (mainly Americans, I suppose).
To me, it's very clear that the only "Muslim" milieu where human reason is not despised, but put to work, is the Sciite one.
Nothing more, nothing less
paul arten
What martyrdom? The real martyrs are the one killed by this devil
35 more comments
Finnish WWII troops participated in mass murders of Jews, new government report finds

Finnish WWII troops participated in mass murders of Jews, new government report finds

An Israeli Holocaust historian has praised Finnish authorities for publishing a report revealing atrocities likely …
Applying the Jewish principle (used by them when there are talks about killing Jesus or the participation of the Jews in communist monstrosities): - …More
Applying the Jewish principle (used by them when there are talks about killing Jesus or the participation of the Jews in communist monstrosities):
- few troops do not entitle you to use the word "Finnish" - it is antifinnitic;
- if they took part in such activities they had ceased to be Finns and become "Nazis",
- unless you shut up and accept the above rules we will let the dogs out.
Totally misleading headline. It were not Finish troops, it were Finns volunteering in a German division as were a lot of other nationalities.

Das Innere eines israelischen Todes- und Folterlagers Tamara Nassar - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Palestinians forced to defecate in diapers and fed through straws. Palästinenser nehmen am 5. Mai an einer …

Drones, explosives, and hate literature: How a village just 50 km away from Mumbai turned into India’s …

Mumbai, India’s financial centre and the capital of Maharashtra, is a bustling city known for its …

Cardinal Burke: Apocalyptic Situation in Church, Caused by Clergy

We live in very troubling times that sometimes seem apocalyptic, Cardinal Burke said in a May 18 address to the graduating class of 2024 at Thomas Aquinas College in Massachusetts. The rebellion against …More
We live in very troubling times that sometimes seem apocalyptic, Cardinal Burke said in a May 18 address to the graduating class of 2024 at Thomas Aquinas College in Massachusetts.
The rebellion against God, the revolution against His truth and love handed down to us in the Church, has reached unimaginable levels, the prelate explained.
The current rebellion is not only against faith, but also against reason: "We are witnessing in the world the denial of our very nature as God created us".
And: "What is more, the rebellion and revolution are sustained by some within the Church, even by some who are called and ordained to shepherd the flock [= Francis]".
The cardinal points to the German synod as an example, adding that the current sessions of the Roman ex-synod threaten to spread the same devastation to the universal Church.
For Cardinal Burke, the current situation of the Church is "unprecedented in the history of the Church". He encourages trust in Christ's Word and His promises about …More
Thank you Francis you made JPII groupie come to his senses little steps at first now next is the heresies of PaulVI .You be shocked why he took the name …More
Thank you Francis you made JPII groupie come to his senses little steps at first now next is the heresies of PaulVI .You be shocked why he took the name Paul (Randy Engel book let's the cat out of the bag)
Thank you, Your Eminence, for speaking the TRUTH and remaining steadfast during these diabolically dark times.
8 more comments

PAFE should be calling for the repeal of the toxic DIE policy

In the latest email, Parents as First Educators supporters are informed about an education professor who claims that "equity and inclusive …
EXCLUSIVE: ICC seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 attack and Gaza war

EXCLUSIVE: ICC seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 attack …

The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar…

Harrison Butker and the Lost Paradigm of the Pursuit of Heaven

*Photo screenshot via Youtube: Benedictine College This week I sat in contemplation after listening to Harrison Butker’s Benedictine College …
Shepherds of Souls or Keepers of Secrets?

Shepherds of Souls or Keepers of Secrets?

An independent investigation into the German Diocese of Trier’s handling of sex abuse allegations recently made headlines after concluding that “successive …

Austria: Violent Syrians injured six police officers

Peterburg23, CC-BY-3.0 There were several acts of violence committed by Syrians against police officers on Thursday evening after an administrative …