James Manning

Cardinal Fernández calls for change to Catholic condemnation of homosexuality as ‘intrinsically …

No, it's okay, guys. He cited a secret survey and said Gen Z was entirely for this position. Gotta keep with the times. Totes yeet bruh.
James Manning

The REAL truth behind the "student loan forgiveness" thing

No problem.
A pretty apt observation. Just look at modern education. How much of it is geared for: A) instilling virtue in students and teaching them how to think (i.e. classical education) or B) preparing students to enter a workforce by imparting them with skills (i.e. vocational education)? Very little. No Child Left Behind was the death knell for an already-faltering education system.More
No problem.

A pretty apt observation. Just look at modern education. How much of it is geared for: A) instilling virtue in students and teaching them how to think (i.e. classical education) or B) preparing students to enter a workforce by imparting them with skills (i.e. vocational education)? Very little. No Child Left Behind was the death knell for an already-faltering education system.
James Manning

Dignitas Infinita: Tucho Feels Again Sorry For the Regime's Sacred Cows

That's why dignity is divided into four categories in the document. Man loses moral dignity through sin but retains ontological dignity in that he is made in the image and likeness of God.
Classic Wittgensteinain language-game. Modernism is steeped in post-modernist philosophy.More
That's why dignity is divided into four categories in the document. Man loses moral dignity through sin but retains ontological dignity in that he is made in the image and likeness of God.

Classic Wittgensteinain language-game. Modernism is steeped in post-modernist philosophy.
James Manning

The REAL truth behind the "student loan forgiveness" thing

There's no link.
Honestly, I figured it was just more bread and circuses. I'm interested to hear other theories.More
There's no link.

Honestly, I figured it was just more bread and circuses. I'm interested to hear other theories.
James Manning

Dignitas Infinita: Tucho Feels Again Sorry For the Regime's Sacred Cows

Yeah, it's a pretty clear break with the Church teaching that states have the right to maintain their integrity by enforcing borders, thus holding up a greater social order. Then again, I remember when capital punishment wasn't a sin, too.
James Manning

Dignitas Infinita: Tucho Feels Again Sorry For the Regime's Sacred Cows

I just did a quick read of the document, so I'm sure I didn't pick up on everything. But I do see why it took five years to write. Not because of its theological depth but because there would have been much more pushback against the document five years ago.
It smacks of liberation theology and plays games with the concept of dignity. A good amount of it sounds okay until you stop to think about …More
I just did a quick read of the document, so I'm sure I didn't pick up on everything. But I do see why it took five years to write. Not because of its theological depth but because there would have been much more pushback against the document five years ago.

It smacks of liberation theology and plays games with the concept of dignity. A good amount of it sounds okay until you stop to think about what the full implications of the document are.

Also, not a fan of this new seamless garment on which sins against migrants and our poor stewardship of creation are on par with abortion and euthanasia.
James Manning

The problem with “the Bible as the only Authority” is that even the Bible disclaims this

My best friend from childhood is an Evangelical, and he was instrumental in my becoming Catholic (ironically). In our discussions, I've asked him if our Lord gave us a Church or a book. He never likes it when I bring that one up.
James Manning

Whatever some ( 'vede'-vacantists) might accuse Him of..... BXVI was the last Pope of the Catholic …

@Slave of the Immaculata - Yes, the "two forms" of the Roman rite is exactly where we can see Ratzinger's Hegelian thought on full display. It is very likely that he was hoping for a sort of merger between the two rites following the pattern of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Very misguided.
Nevertheless, I owe a debt of gratitude to Benedict XVI for that moto proprio. It was that document that made …More
@Slave of the Immaculata - Yes, the "two forms" of the Roman rite is exactly where we can see Ratzinger's Hegelian thought on full display. It is very likely that he was hoping for a sort of merger between the two rites following the pattern of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Very misguided.

Nevertheless, I owe a debt of gratitude to Benedict XVI for that moto proprio. It was that document that made me aware that the Tradition still existed and was being practiced somewhere. I just had to start looking.
James Manning

Whatever some ( 'vede'-vacantists) might accuse Him of..... BXVI was the last Pope of the Catholic …

He was probably the best of the post-conciliar popes, but his liturgical theology was very influenced by Hegel.
James Manning

Exclusive: Motu Proprio "Habebamus Papam"

Poor taste.
James Manning

EXCLUSIVE: Francis will retire the good archbishop of Krakow, Monsignor Marek Jedraszewski, in July …

For my friends, mercy. For my enemies, not even justice.
James Manning

Is this the Catholic future? Parody instead of serious religion?

What am I looking at here?
James Manning

His Doctor: Francis Suffers from No Particular Illness, Has Head Of A 60-Year-Old

I guess that's true as missing a lung is technically not an illness.
James Manning


As a big man, I get it can be hard finding clothes that fit. At the same time, I manage to find professional clothes that fit and look good on me, and I'm pretty sure I make a lot less than she does.
James Manning

Vaticano, è in arrivo la Nuova Teologia. Ecco in esclusiva il testo che sta circolando riservatamente …

Theologically, we're not at the Psychic Squid phase yet, but the fact that we're even questioning if this is legitimate claim isn't a good sign.
James Manning

Vaticano, è in arrivo la Nuova Teologia. Ecco in esclusiva il testo che sta circolando riservatamente …

Read the article.
This is a huge accusation. As the kids say, I need receipts. If they have this document, they should publish it. Until then, I'm going to hold off on hitting the proverbial panic button.More
Read the article.

This is a huge accusation. As the kids say, I need receipts. If they have this document, they should publish it. Until then, I'm going to hold off on hitting the proverbial panic button.
James Manning

Vaticano, è in arrivo la Nuova Teologia. Ecco in esclusiva il testo che sta circolando riservatamente …

I heard about this first on Anthony Stine's podcast, Return to Tradition. I was having trouble finding the article he cited, though, so thank you for posting it here.
James Manning

Hackers discover pictures of Antarctica from beyond the Ice Wall

There's enough crazy stuff going on right now. Do we really need this clutter?
James Manning

Francis Is “in Poor Health, Can Barely Speak Or Walk”

Eh. Pope John Paul II held on for a long time in declining health, and that was with Parkinson's. My gut says Pope Francis will be around for longer than we expect. I pray God give him the time he needs to return to the faith.