Sr. Cristina Scuccia: 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun:' Sister Cristina Scuccia hat die nächste Runde erreicht bei "The Voice of Italy"More
Sr. Cristina Scuccia: 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun:'
Sister Cristina Scuccia hat die nächste Runde erreicht bei "The Voice of Italy"
Gunther Maria Michel
Und das in der Karwoche.
Und so ein Text.
Und so ein unwürdiges Gehabe.
Wie wäre es mit dem Lied:
"Highway to Hell"?
Würde passen.
Kyrie eleison! 🙏
Es ist nicht ihre schöne Gestalt, sondern ihr Habit, was die Welt nahezu in Verzückung versetzt.
Arme Seele! incl. des mitschwesterlichen Fanclubs.
Dies ist widerlich und in gewisserweise gotttslästerlich.
Die Sehrwürdihge Schwestersollte sich entscheiden, ob Sie Braut
Christi ode des Teufels sein wil.
😁 👏
She is a warrior for the Faith. She is preaching the WORD...But she is doing it so people who don't have the Faith may be exposed to it. Please let's pray for her.. and she is not dancing in the Church.. and she is not disgracing her body or her talents.. She is praising God with her actions.. and i wish i was like her! God Bless her Sister Christine.. and the ... Our Lord told us.. We are the SALT …More
She is a warrior for the Faith. She is preaching the WORD...But she is doing it so people who don't have the Faith may be exposed to it. Please let's pray for her.. and she is not dancing in the Church.. and she is not disgracing her body or her talents.. She is praising God with her actions.. and i wish i was like her! God Bless her Sister Christine.. and the ... Our Lord told us.. We are the SALT OF THE EARTH!
On Guard
Sister Christine is not only a disgrace to herself as a nun, but she disgraces all woman by her foolish and stupid gestures in a HABIT....
Sister (?) if you want to sing that trash...for the love of God take off your habit and dress accordingly. JUST LEAVE THE CONVENT AND PLAY THE GAME YOU WANT TO PLAY!!!