June 19 Saint Juliana Falconieri. by irapuato on June 19, 2014 Virgin (1270-1340) Saint Juliana Falconieri was born in 1270, in answer to prayer. Her father was the builder of the splendid church of …More
June 19 Saint Juliana Falconieri.

by irapuato on June 19, 2014 Virgin (1270-1340) Saint Juliana Falconieri was born in 1270, in answer to prayer. Her father was the builder of the splendid church of the Annunziata in Florence, while her uncle, Saint Alexis Falconieri, became one of the seven Founders of the Servite Order. Under his surveillance Juliana grew up more like an angel than a human being, as he said. Her great modesty was remarkable; never during her entire lifetime did she look at her reflection in a mirror. The mere mention of sin made her shudder and tremble, and once, on hearing of a scandal, she fainted.
Her devotion to the sorrows of Our Lady drew her to the Servants of Mary or Servite Order, and at the age of fourteen, after refusing an offer of marriage, she received the habit from Saint Philip Benizi, General of the Order. Her sanctity attracted many novices, for whose direction she was bidden to draw up a rule, and thus she became foundress of the Mantellate.
She was the servant of her Sisters rather than their mistress, while outside her convent she led a life of apostolic charity, converting sinners, reconciling enemies, and healing the sick. She was sometimes rapt for whole days in ecstasy, and her prayers saved the Servite Order when it was in danger of being suppressed.
Saint Juliana in her old age suffered various painful illnesses. She was wasting away through a disease of the stomach which prevented her taking food, and bore her silent agony with constant cheerfulness, grieving only for the privation of Holy Communion. At last, when in her seventieth year she was at the point of death, she begged to be allowed once more to see and adore the Blessed Sacrament. It was brought to her cell and reverently laid on a corporal, which was placed over her heart. At this moment she expired, and the Sacred Host disappeared. After her death the form of the Host was found stamped upon her heart, at the exact spot over which the Blessed Sacrament had been placed. Saint Juliana died in her convent in Florence in 1340. Miracles have been frequently effected through her intercession.
Reflection. Meditate often, says Saint Paul of the Cross, on the sorrows of the Blessed Mother, sorrows inseparable from those of Her beloved Son. If you seek the Cross, there you will find the Mother; and where the Mother is, there also is the Son.
Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on Butler's Lives of the Saints, and other sources by John Gilmary Shea (Benziger Brothers: New York, 1894).
Thursday of the Eleventh week in Ordinary Time
Book of Sirach 48:1-14.

Like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace.
Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits;
By God's word he shut up the heavens and three times brought down fire.
How awesome are you, ELIJAH! Whose glory is equal to yours?
You brought a dead man back to life …More
Thursday of the Eleventh week in Ordinary Time
Book of Sirach 48:1-14.

Like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace.
Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits;
By God's word he shut up the heavens and three times brought down fire.
How awesome are you, ELIJAH! Whose glory is equal to yours?
You brought a dead man back to life from the nether world, by the will of the LORD.
You sent kings down to destruction, and nobles, from their beds of sickness.
You heard threats at Sinai, at Horeb avenging judgments.
You anointed kings who should inflict vengeance, and a prophet as your successor.
You were taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses.
You are destined, it is written, in time to come to put an end to wrath before the day of the LORD, To turn back the hearts of fathers toward their sons, and to reestablish the tribes of Jacob.
Blessed is he who shall have seen you before he dies,
O Elijah, enveloped in the whirlwind! Then ELISHA, filled with a twofold portion of his spirit, wrought many marvels by his mere word. During his lifetime he feared no one, nor was any man able to intimidate his will.
Nothing was beyond his power; beneath him flesh was brought back into life.
In life he performed wonders, and after death, marvelous deeds.

Psalms 97(96):1-2.3-4.5-6.7.
The LORD is king; let the earth rejoice;
let the many islands be glad.
Clouds and darkness are round about him,
justice and judgment are the foundation of his throne.

Fire goes before him
and consumes his foes round about.
His lightnings illumine the world;
the earth sees and trembles.

The mountains melt like wax before the LORD,
before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his justice,
and all peoples see his glory.

All who worship graven things are put to shame,
who glory in the things of nought;
all gods are prostrate before him.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 6:7-15.
Jesus said to his disciples:
"In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
and do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the evil one.
If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions."

Commentary of the day : Saint Teresa of Avila
"Forgive us our debts"
4 more comments from Irapuato
19. Juni Heilige Juliana (de) Falconieri
italienischer Name: Giuliana
Gedenktag katholisch: 19. Juni
Hochfest im weiblichen Zweig des Servitenordens, Fest im Servitenorden
Gedenktag III. Klasse Im alten Messbuch entspricht die III. Klasse einem gebotenen Gedenktag. Grundsätzlich werden offiziell alle Klassen als „Feste” bezeichnet, da der Rang ja nicht durch das Wort „Fest”, sondern durch die …More
19. Juni Heilige Juliana (de) Falconieri

italienischer Name: Giuliana
Gedenktag katholisch: 19. Juni
Hochfest im weiblichen Zweig des Servitenordens, Fest im Servitenorden
Gedenktag III. Klasse Im alten Messbuch entspricht die III. Klasse einem gebotenen Gedenktag. Grundsätzlich werden offiziell alle Klassen als „Feste” bezeichnet, da der Rang ja nicht durch das Wort „Fest”, sondern durch die Klasse gekennzeichnet wird.
Die Feste III. Klasse sind außerhalb der geprägten Zeiten (Advent, Weihnachtsoktav, Fastenzeit, Osteroktav) immer zu feiern, wenn sie nicht von einem Fest I. oder II. Klasse verdrängt werden. Innerhalb der geprägten Zeiten können sie in der Regel nur kommemoriert, aber nicht gefeiert werden.

Name bedeutet: aus dem Geschlecht der Julier (latein.)
* um 1270 in Florenz in Italien
† 19. Juni 1341 daselbst

Statue im Petersdom in Rom
Juliana aus dem Adelsgeschlecht der Falconieri war wohl die Nichte von Alexius Falconieri, einem der sieben Stifter des Servitenordens. 1284 schloss sie sich dem Orden an als eine der Frauen, die zwar in ihren Privatwohnungen blieben, jedoch weitgehend das Ordensleben mit Teilnahme am Gottesdienst, Chorgebet sowie Dienst an Armen und Bedürftigen übernahmen. Dazu erhielten sie ein eigenes Kleid, welches ihnen den Namen Mantellatinnen gab. Um 1304 entstand daraus die Ordensgemeinschaft der Serviten-Terziarschwestern, der Dienerinnen Mariä. Krankenpflege und Erziehung der Jugend waren die Aufgaben des Ordens, der durch Papst Martin V. bestätigt wurde.
Juliana führte ein strenges Bußleben und ein intensives Gebetsleben im marianischen Geist des Ordens. Als sie den Tod nahen spürte, wollte sie die EucharistieDie Eucharistie - von griechisch „ευχαριστειν, Dank sagen” - vergegenwärtigt das heilvolle Sterben Jesu Christi. Die Römisch-Katholische, die Orthodoxe und die Anglikanische Kirche nennen diese Mahlfeier im Anschluss an 1. Korintherbrief 11, 24 Eucharistie, die Evangelischen Kirchen sprechen von „Abendmahl” im Anschluss an Markusevangelium 14, 17 und 1. Korintherbrief 11, 23. empfangen, konnte aber die Hostie nicht mehr schlucken. Sie bat den Priester, die Hostie auf ihre Brust zu legen, woraufhin diese in ihr veschwand und Juliana verschied.
Julianas Gebeine ruhen in der Basilika Santissima Annunziata, der Klosterkirche der Serviten in Florenz.
Kanonisation: Julianas Heiligsprechung erfolgte 1737 durch Papst Clemens XII.
Catholic Encyclopedia
Santa Giuliana Falconieri Vergine
19 giugno
Giuliana dalla vita ha ricevuto tanto: nobiltà di casato, ricchezza di famiglia, amore sviscerato dei genitori, che avevano atteso talmente tanto la sua nascita da considerarla dono del Cielo e, pertanto, meritevole di ogni premurosa attenzione. Dalla vita ha ricevuto anche bellezza fisica, vantaggiose proposte di matrimonio, un’ottima educazione. Ed …More
Santa Giuliana Falconieri Vergine
19 giugno
Giuliana dalla vita ha ricevuto tanto: nobiltà di casato, ricchezza di famiglia, amore sviscerato dei genitori, che avevano atteso talmente tanto la sua nascita da considerarla dono del Cielo e, pertanto, meritevole di ogni premurosa attenzione. Dalla vita ha ricevuto anche bellezza fisica, vantaggiose proposte di matrimonio, un’ottima educazione. Ed anche uno zio santo, quel tal Sant’ Alessio Falconieri, che figura tra i Sette Fondatori dei Servi di Maria. Nonostante questo insieme di doni naturali c’è chi da subito pensa che quella ragazza bella, forse allevata nella bambagia come tutti i figli nati quando i genitori sono avanti negli anni, sia fatta più per il cielo che per la terra. E non si sbaglia. Non sa cosa sia uno specchio, non si cura del proprio abbigliamento, non dimostra alcun interesse per gioielli e piaceri mondani, che pure non le mancherebbero se soltanto volesse. Rimanda al mittente le proposte di matrimonio, anche quelle serie e motivate e serie, che riceve; dimostra una straordinaria inclinazione per le pratiche di pietà e per la vocazione religiosa: insomma, una ragazza da convento. Ed infatti in convento ci va, non appena mamma, morendo, la lascia completamente sola; anzi, fonda un monastero proprio, scegliendo, com’è naturale, la linea spirituale tracciata dal santo zio Alessio, la spiritualità dei Servi di Maria, appunto, che ha già respirato in famiglia e nella quale si è addestrata con la guida di un altro santo, Filippo Benizi, vivendo in casa come una consacrata. L’esempio di Giuliana è contagioso viene e seguito da molte compagne della ricca borghesia fiorentina; dai Servi di Maria ereditano l’ampio mantello nero a causa del quale vengono subito battezzate dal popolo come “le Mantellate”. Vivono in contemplazione ed esercitano la carità, digiunano completamente il mercoledì e il venerdì di ogni settimana, il sabato si accontentano di pane ed acqua, tutti i giorni trascorrono la maggior parte del loro tempo nella preghiera e nella meditazione dei sette dolori di Maria. Il clima fiorentino in cui si trovano a vivere è pervaso da nuova vita e da antichi rancori, la città è divisa da inimicizie e discordie che ogni giorno si traducono in sanguinose vendette. Le Mantellate si assumono spontaneamente il compito di pregare e digiunare, per rasserenare gli animi, per ottenere la pace dei loro concittadini. Giuliana, in particolare, alle opere di digiuno e di preghiera, aggiunge anche il dono prezioso dei suoi dolori fisici, soprattutto quelli di stomaco, che la perseguitano per diversi anni, giungendo al punto da consumarla completamente e da non permetterle di assumere il benchè più leggero alimento. E’ per questo che quel 19 giugno 1341, a lei, morente, viene negato anche il conforto del viatico, perché si ha paura che neppure riesca a deglutire l’ostia consacrata. Gliela depongono solo su un corporale, che è stato steso sul suo petto, ma tra lo stupore di tutti l’ostia svanisce. Le sue monache credono di sciogliere l’enigma quando, appena spirata e mentre ne stanno ricomponendo il cadavere, notano in corrispondenza del cuore un marchio viola, grande appunto come l’ostia consacrata, come se questa si fosse impressa nel suo corpo: il marchio che le Mantellate ancora oggi portano impresso sul loro abito religioso, a ricordo della miracolosa ultima “comunione” della loro fondatrice. Proclamata santa da Clemente XII nel 1737, Giuliana Falconieri è festeggiata il 19 giugno ed invocata particolarmente contro i dolori di stomaco.

Autore: Gianpiero Pettiti
19 juin Sainte Julienne de Falconiéri Vierge (1270-1341)
Julienne, de l'illustre famille de Falconiéri, vint au monde à Florence, l'an 1270, de parents très avancés en âge. Elle fut initiée dès son berceau à la piété et à la vertu, si bien que saint Alexis Falconiéri, de l'Ordre des Servites, disait à la mère ravie: "Ce n'est pas une fille, c'est un Ange que Dieu vous a donné; Il la destine …More
19 juin Sainte Julienne de Falconiéri Vierge (1270-1341)
Julienne, de l'illustre famille de Falconiéri, vint au monde à Florence, l'an 1270, de parents très avancés en âge. Elle fut initiée dès son berceau à la piété et à la vertu, si bien que saint Alexis Falconiéri, de l'Ordre des Servites, disait à la mère ravie: "Ce n'est pas une fille, c'est un Ange que Dieu vous a donné; Il la destine à de grandes choses."
Les journées de la sainte enfant se passaient presque entières en pieux exercices. Sa mère, y trouvant de l'excès, la grondait: "Julienne, disait-elle, si tu n'apprends pas ce que doit savoir une maîtresse de maison, je ne pourrais pas te trouver un mari. -- Ne craignez rien, ma mère, répondait finalement Julienne; quand le temps sera venu, la Sainte Vierge y pourvoira." Le temps venu, Julienne refusa de se marier, et offrit à Dieu sa virginité.
Elle entra dans l'Ordre récemment fondé des Tertiaires Servites, où elle fit, sous la conduite de saint Philippe Bénizi, les plus grands progrès dans la vertu. A trente-six ans, elle était élue supérieure générale, malgré les réclamations de son humilité. Dès les commencements de sa vie religieuse, sa vie était très austère.
Elle consacrait le lundi au soulagement des âmes du purgatoire, et accompagnait ses prières de rudes pénitences et de cruelles flagellations. Le mercredi et le vendredi, elle gardait un jeûne absolu, ne prenant d'autre nourriture que la Sainte Eucharistie. Le samedi, elle jeûnait au pain et à l'eau en l'honneur de la très Sainte Vierge, et elle passait cette journée dans la compagnie de Marie, au pied de la Croix. Le vendredi, son âme était absorbée, souvent jusqu'à l'extase, dans la méditation de la passion du Sauveur.
Après sa mort, ses religieuses furent saisies d'émotion, en trouvant sur elle une ceinture de fer incrustée dans les chairs. Son divin Époux ne lui ménagea ni les tentations, ni les peines intérieures: "Seigneur, disait-elle un jour dans ses angoisses, que je souffre, s'il le faut, tous les tourments de l'enfer pendant toute l'éternité; mais, de grâce, ne permettez pas que je Vous offense!"
Le plus beau triomphe de Julienne, ce fut sa mort. Gémissant de ne pouvoir communier, elle supplie qu'au moins on lui montre la Sainte Hostie, et, quand on lui a procuré ce bonheur, son audace d'amour va plus loin, elle prie qu'on place le corporal avec l'Hostie sur sa poitrine; mais à peine son voeu est-il exaucé, que l'Hostie disparaît et que Julienne, transportée d'amour, rend le dernier soupir en disant: "Mon doux Jésus!"
Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950
June 19 Saint Juliana Falconieri Virgin (1270-1340)
Saint Juliana Falconieri was born in 1270, in answer to prayer. Her father was the builder of the splendid church of the Annunziata in Florence, while her uncle, Saint Alexis Falconieri, became one of the seven Founders of the Servite Order. Under his surveillance Juliana grew up more like an angel than a human being, as he said. Her great modesty …More
June 19 Saint Juliana Falconieri Virgin (1270-1340)
Saint Juliana Falconieri was born in 1270, in answer to prayer. Her father was the builder of the splendid church of the Annunziata in Florence, while her uncle, Saint Alexis Falconieri, became one of the seven Founders of the Servite Order. Under his surveillance Juliana grew up more like an angel than a human being, as he said. Her great modesty was remarkable; never during her entire lifetime did she look at her reflection in a mirror. The mere mention of sin made her shudder and tremble, and once, on hearing of a scandal, she fainted.
Her devotion to the sorrows of Our Lady drew her to the Servants of Mary or Servite Order, and at the age of fourteen, after refusing an offer of marriage, she received the habit from Saint Philip Benizi, General of the Order. Her sanctity attracted many novices, for whose direction she was bidden to draw up a rule, and thus she became foundress of the Mantellate.
She was the servant of her Sisters rather than their mistress, while outside her convent she led a life of apostolic charity, converting sinners, reconciling enemies, and healing the sick. She was sometimes rapt for whole days in ecstasy, and her prayers saved the Servite Order when it was in danger of being suppressed.
Saint Juliana in her old age suffered various painful illnesses. She was wasting away through a disease of the stomach which prevented her taking food, and bore her silent agony with constant cheerfulness, grieving only for the privation of Holy Communion. At last, when in her seventieth year she was at the point of death, she begged to be allowed once more to see and adore the Blessed Sacrament. It was brought to her cell and reverently laid on a corporal, which was placed over her heart. At this moment she expired, and the Sacred Host disappeared. After her death the form of the Host was found stamped upon her heart, at the exact spot over which the Blessed Sacrament had been placed. Saint Juliana died in her convent in Florence in 1340. Miracles have been frequently effected through her intercession.
Reflection. Meditate often, says Saint Paul of the Cross, on the sorrows of the Blessed Mother, sorrows inseparable from those of Her beloved Son. If you seek the Cross, there you will find the Mother; and where the Mother is, there also is the Son.
Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on Butler's Lives of the Saints, and other sources by John Gilmary Shea (Benziger Brothers: New York, 1894).